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pacifists Meaning in marathi ( pacifists शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

शांततावादावर विश्वास ठेवणारे, शांततावादी,


शांततावादावर विश्वास ठेवणारे, शांततावादी,

pacifists मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

पोलिस दंगलीमध्ये सामान्यत: अशी परिस्थिती असते की जेव्हा पोलिस शांततावादी नागरिकांच्या गटावर हल्ला करतात आणि / किंवा पूर्वीपासून शांततावादी असलेल्या नागरिकांना हिंसाचारासाठी भडकावतात.

यात ॲडॉल्फ हिटलरला शांततावादी कविता पाठवलेल्या घटनेचा उल्लेख आहे.

शांततावादी असलेल्या आर्नोल्डसनला १९०८चे साहित्यातील नोबेल पारितोषिक देण्यात आले होते.

पुरुष चरित्रलेख लिओ टॉल्स्टॉय (रशियन उच्चारातील पूर्ण नाव काउंट ल्येव निकोलायविच तल्स्तोय - Лев Николаевич Толстой) (जन्म : सप्टेंबर ९, १८२८ - नोव्हेंबर २०, १९१०) हा रशियन लेखक, कादंबरीकार, नाटककार, तत्त्वज्ञ, शांततावादी ख्रिश्चन अराजकवादी आणि शिक्षणसुधारक होता.

pacifists's Usage Examples:

comTelevision characters introduced in 19630101Male characters in televisionFictional criminalsFictional pacifists Coolhunting is a neologism coined in the early 1990s referring to a new kind of marketing professionals who make observations and predictions in changes of new or existing cool cultural fads and trends.

1960s counter-culturalists, eco-socialists, pacifists, militants and primitivists.

Brocca argued that Spanish pacifists had no alternative but to make a stand against what he viewed as fascism.

and may be practiced by conscientious objectors, pacifists, or those protesting against a particular war.

1889 births1970 deathsAustralian suffragistsAustralian indigenous rights activistsAustralian women's rights activistsUniversity of Sydney alumniPeople from RanchiJessie19th-century Australian women20th-century Australian womenAustralian pacifists Hernandez v.

to war has a long tradition, and a history that includes conscientious objectors, pacifists, deserters and draft dodgers, as well as those whose objections.

Historically, the majority of peace activists have been pacificists rather than strict pacifists.

organisation of exiled conscientious objectors, pacifists, anti-militarists and deserters from the South African Defence Force (SADF), was formed in the aftermath.

In many cases, they are also pacifists.


dovish, pacifistic, peaceable, peaceful,


liberal, conservative, man, emotional person, unpeaceful,

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