owlet Meaning in marathi ( owlet शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
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owlet मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
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रत्नागिरी जिल्ह्यातील गावे स्क्रू ड्रायव्हर (मराठीत पेचकस) हे सामान्यपणे हाताने वापरले जाणारे, नेहमी लागणारे, अवजार आहे.
owlet's Usage Examples:
35|-|1956|Illinois Auditor of Public Accounts|General||bgcolor#DDEEFF |Michael Howlett|bgcolor#DDEEFF |Democratic|bgcolor#DDEEFF |1,992,707|bgcolor#DDEEFF |47.
Lady Algitha Orde-Powlett (1847-1919) (from 1895 Lady Bolton) daughter of Richard Lumley, 9th Earl of Scarbrough, who married (1868) Hon.
Caprimulgidae: nightjars Steatornithidae: oilbird Nyctibiidae: potoos Podargidae: frogmouths Daedalornithes Aegothelidae: owlet-nightjars Hemiprocnidae: treeswifts.
species) Family Caprimulgidae (nightjars, 98 species) Family Podargidae (frogmouths, 14 species) Family Aegothelidae (owlet-nightjars, 10 species) Family Nyctibiidae.
nighthawk, barn owl, owlet-nightjar, chimney swift, American woodcock, spotted crake, and white-breasted waterhen.
The Australian owlet-nightjar (Aegotheles cristatus) is a nocturnal bird found in open woodland across Australia and in southern New Guinea.
Owlets make a rasping noise when they are hungry that can be heard by the parents over far distances to alert them to the owlets location.
spotted owlets, leopards, clouded leopards, barking deer, Bengal monitors, dholes, and capped leaf monkeys/capped langurs.
morbidalis, morbid owlet moth 8356 - Chytolita petrealis, stone-winged owlet moth 8357 - Macrochilo absorptalis, slant-lined owlet moth 8357.
The Reverend Charles Powlett, (1728-1809), Vicar of Kingsclere, 19 July 1769 - 15 February 1773.
Creed is defeated, so when Howlett pursues the leader, she activates a robot which Howlett destroys.
Saul and Howlett were later convicted of the murder of ship watchmen Charles Baxter and sentenced to be executed.
hooter, bird of Minerva, bird of night, owl,