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overspun Meaning in marathi ( overspun शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



दाबण्यासाठी, मोठे व्हा, अधिक वाढवा, विस्तृत करा, तुडवणे, हल्ला, फुगणे,

overspun's Usage Examples:

Westwood attempted to follow him in but overspun his approach and it retracted into the water hazard.

Secretary, David Blunkett, who described it as a "poorly researched and overspun documentary" which uncritically repeated the claims of MigrationWatch UK.

Around 1660, gut or silk core strings overspun with copper wire first became available; these were then used for the lowest-pitched.

This was the invention of wound ("overspun" or "overwound") strings.

Such musical strings are said to be "overspun"; the added wire may be circular in cross-section ("round-wound"), or flattened.

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