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orchid Meaning in marathi ( orchid शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

ऑर्किड, रसनागोत्रीय वृक्ष विशेष किंवा त्याची फुले,



orchid मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

रसना या नावाने या वनस्पतीचे मूळ संपूर्ण भारतीय उपखंडात संधिवातावर उपचार करण्यासाठी वापरले जाते.

वृक्ष कथुआ बलात्कार प्रकरण किंवा असिफा बलात्कार प्रकरण हे जम्मू आणि काश्मीर मधील कथुआ जवळील रसना गावातील असिफा नावाच्या एका ८ वर्षाच्या मुलीचे अपहरण, बलात्कार आणि खून याचा उल्लेख केला आहे.

श्रोत्र, त्वक, नेत्र, रसना व पाचवे घ्राण, वाक, पाणी, पाद, पायु व दहावे उपस्थ होय.

तरुणीने रसना, कोलगेट, आयसीआयसीआय बँक, सफोला केसर बदाम मिल्क यासारख्या अनेक जाहिरातींमध्ये काम केले होते.

डोळा, कान, नाक, त्वचा आणि जीभ या माणसाच्या पाच ज्ञानेंद्रियांनी, आपणास अनुक्रमे रूप, शब्द, वास, स्पर्श आणि रसना यांचे ज्ञान होते, त्या ज्ञानास 'अनुभव' (Experience) म्हणतात.

ही भारतात रसनाच्या जाहिरातीतील करीना कपूरबरोबरची रसना गर्ल म्हणून ओळखली जाते.

orchid's Usage Examples:

Kuntze - Cheesemans spider orchid (N.

Woodland flora include toothwort, goldilocks buttercup and early purple orchid.

doctor"s notes from Landsberg Prison recorded that Hitler had "right-sided cryptorchidism", on evidence from an enforced medical examination Hitler underwent.

Common names include ground-rooting epidendrum, fire-star orchid, rainbow orchid, and reed-stem epidendrum.

Plectorrhiza tridentata, commonly known as the common tangle orchid, is an epiphytic or lithophytic orchid that has many coarse, tangled roots, up to.

Epidendrum peperomia, the peperomia-like epidendrum, is a species of orchid in the genus Epidendrum.

Bulbophyllum debile is a species of orchid in the genus Bulbophyllum.

There are eleven species of grass, herbs such as fairy flax and cowslip, and many green-winged orchids.

Cattleya lawrenceana is a species of labiate Cattleya orchid.

diverse woodland breeding birds, and the ground flora is dominated by bluebells, but there are also many orchids.

variety of wet grassland herbs, including bogbean, ragged-robin, water avens, marsh valerian and southern marsh orchid.

Cephalanthera damasonium, the white helleborine, is a species of orchid.

purple orchid (Orchis mascula), fly orchid (Ophrys insectifera), lesser butterfly orchid (Platanthera bifolia) and bird"s nest orchid (Neottia nidus-avis).


puttyroot, moth orchid, greenhood, Hexalectris spicata, bee orchid, coelogyne, Pogonia rosea, tangle orchid, Bletilla striata, butterfly plant, Gymnadenia odoratissima, adam-and-eve, Listera ovata, tongueflower, Coeloglossum bracteatum, pogonia, vanda, swan orchid, swanneck, Encyclia tampensis, snow orchid, Catasetum macrocarpum, Cattleya citrina, foxtail orchid, swan-flower, helmetflower, Platanthera bifolia, tulip orchid, orchid family, angrecum, fly orchid, Himantoglossum hircinum, lady-slipper, Cleistes divaricata, Epidendrum tampense, green adder"s mouth, fen orchid, Ophrys apifera, lizard orchid, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, cattleya, Encyclia citrina, cymbidium, swanflower, stanhopea, orchidaceous plant, rosebud orchid, odontoglossum, Coeloglossum viride, family Orchidaceae, Brassia lawrenceana, Orchidaceae, brassavola, maxillaria, helleborine, pansy orchid, rein orchis, lesser twayblade, disa, helmet orchid, Venus" slipper, Venus"s shoe, epidendron, moth plant, Habenaria chlorantha, Sarcochilus falcatus, phaius, lesser butterfly orchid, butterfly orchis, common spotted orchid, fairy-slipper, twayblade, rattlesnake plantain, lady"s slipper, prairie white-fringed orchid, Bletia striata, Indian crocus, Pogonia divaricata, Platanthera leucophea, Dactylorhiza maculata fuchsii, tongue-flower, mentum, bletia, flower, Cleistes rosea, Malaxis ophioglossoides, Gymnadenia conopsea, calypso, Ophrys muscifera, Calopogon tuberosum, satyr orchid, cymbid, pleurothallis, jewel orchid, fragrant orchid, rattlesnake orchid, broad-leaved twayblade, vanilla, grass pink, Listera cordata, fringed orchid, Encyclia venosa, fen orchis, Calopogon pulchellum, arethusa, frog orchid, laelia, slipper orchid, ladies" slipper, Brassia verrucosa, funnel-crest rosebud orchid, orchis, Hexalectris warnockii, rein orchid, swan-neck, crested coral root, liparis, phantom orchid, calanthe, lady"s tresses, coral root, Texas purple spike, jumping orchid, ladies" tresses, short-spurred fragrant orchid, greater butterfly orchid, Eburophyton austinae, Calypso bulbosa, orange-blossom orchid, caladenia, stelis, Habenaria bifolia, Malaxis-unifolia, dendrobium, marsh orchid, cypripedia, dancing lady orchid, Venus"s slipper, spreading pogonia, Aplectrum hyemale, masdevallia, Ophrys insectifera, aerides, spider orchid, Epidendrum venosum, butterfly orchid, Listera convallarioides, fringed orchis, Platanthera chlorantha, Liparis loeselii, oncidium, sobralia,



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