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oppress Meaning in marathi ( oppress शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

अत्याचार हा अन्यायकारक किंवा क्रूर वापर आहे, त्रास देणे,


दयनीय, पाठलाग, तुडवणे, डोईवरून पाणी, जबरदस्तीने, भारावून टाकणे, ओझे झाले, ढकलणे, बलात्कार करणे, दु:ख करणे, यातना, छळतात, अत्याचार, छळणे, त्रास देणे, जुलूम करणे, छळ करणे,

oppress मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

यामध्ये पाऊस ; नद्यांमध्ये बेडरोक वेअर; समुद्र आणि लाटा द्वारे किनारपट्टीवरील धूप; हिमवर्षाव तोडणे, घर्षण करणे आणि त्रास देणे; क्षेत्रीय पूर; वारा घर्षण; भूजल प्रक्रिया; आणि भूस्खलन आणि मोडतोड वाहण्यासारख्या इ.

रात्रीचे वेळीसुद्धा छोटे हल्ले करत त्रास देणे सुरू ठेवले, तरीही चिकाटीने इंग्रज फौज खंडाळ्याला आली.

जातीय भावनेतून शारीरिक इजा करणे, त्रास देणे, अपमान करणे.

एखाद्या व्यक्तीवर काळा जादू करण्याचा किंवा सैतानचा अवतार असल्याचा आरोप, त्याच्यावर / तिच्यावर रोग किंवा दुर्दैवी कारणीभूत असल्याचा आरोप करणे आणि त्या व्यक्तीला त्रास देणे.

आझाद दस्त्यातील सदस्यांच्या कुटुंबीयांना मारहाण, अटक करणे, त्रास देणे सुरू केले.

ती पुढे म्हणाली: "पुरुषांनी तिला खुप त्रास दिला, लैंगिक त्रास देणे, तिचे केस ओढणे, तिला स्पर्श करण्याचा प्रयत्न करणे.

सुखीलालाच्या मुलीला त्रास देणे त्याच्या नित्याच्या टवाळकीचा भाग असतो.

oppress's Usage Examples:

I can state that the monarchy is ruled by the Germans and the Magyars while the Slavs are oppressed, he said.

being derived from the People of the United States may be resumed by them whensoever the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression .

Only 140 of the city's police officers were Hispanic, and the community's Hispanic population had perceived oppression from the police force for some time.

common people against the oppression or corruption of the established power structure.

Most of the album's tracks are about the Troubles and the grim reality of life in Northern Ireland with the songs containing themes of teenage boredom, sectarian violence, RUC (police) oppression, etc.

practice of witchcraft to peasants in order for them to oppose their feudal oppressors and the Roman Catholic Church.

Naonhaithya/Naonghaithya versus Spenta Armaiti)Sawar/Sarvar of oppression opposing Shahrewar of desirable dominion (Av.

Cyber-utopianism is the belief that online communication is emancipatory and that the internet favours the oppressed rather than the oppressor.

Eric Mtshali – Silver – For his excellent contribution to the fight against the oppressive and racist apartheid regime.

He advocated that the real meaning of Dharma would be to shower love on those oppressed and suppressed and lending moral support to them.

An old blacksmith who was sent to prison for defending his people creates a tiny figurine of a monster by making a doll of rice and before dying asks the gods of earth and sky to make his creation a living creature that protects the rebels and the oppressed.

Enjeti praised the themes of the show including the trauma caused by racism - both internal and systemic – and the privilege to remain silent in the face of oppression.

describes it as “excavat(ing) the arcane kingdom of the human psyche, so long tyrannized by the repressive and oppressive forces of socialization.


quash, suppress, keep down, reduce, subdue, crush, repress, subjugate,


hate, decompression, lose, stay, remember,

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