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operation Meaning in marathi ( operation शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

ऑपरेशन, इजा, कार्य किंवा क्रियाकलाप,


ऑपरेशन, सक्रियकरण, क्रिया, गाडी, फळे, उपक्रम, कट, हालचाल, कर्मे, क्रियापद, कार्यपद्धती, प्रभाव,

operation मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

खोल कायिक वेदना स्नायूबंध, स्नायू, रक्तवाहिन्या, स्नायूआवरण, याना इजा झाल्याने होतात.

या गोंधळात किशोरी स्वत:ला इजा झाल्याचे नाटक करून औदुंबरला मदतीसाठी हाक मारते.

बलात्कारामुळे झालेल्या गर्भधारणेमुळे मानसिक आरोग्यास गंभीर इजा होऊ शकते.

महिला संपादनेथॉन २०२० लेख चिंचपूर इजाडे हे गाव पाथर्डी तालुका अहमदनगर जिल्हा महाराष्ट्र राज्यातील एक गाव आहे.

मुळांस पुष्कळ उपमुळे फुटतात व ती काढली तरी झाडास इजा होत नाही.

याशिवाय बेकायदा जमाव जमवून दंगल घडविणे, इजा घडविणे आदी प्रकारचे १३ गुन्हे विविध पोलीस ठाण्यांत दाखल.

यंत्रमानव माणसाला इजा करू शकत नाहीत किंवा स्वतः तटस्थ राहून माणसाला इजा होताना पाहूही शकत नाहीत.

धोका : इजा होण्याची शक्यता.

यातील कृत्रिम झडपांच्या पृष्ठभागामुळे तांबड्या रक्तपेशीना इजा झाल्याचे दिसून आले आहे.

याने हातास इजा होत नाही.

त्या काळाबद्दल कोएलो नंतर एकदा म्हणाले, "त्यांना मला इजा करायची नव्हती ,त्यांना फक्त काय करावे ते कळत नव्हते.

- डोक्‍याला इजा पोचणे.

operation's Usage Examples:

Pistone"s six-year undercover operation to infiltrate the Mafia, and featured prominently in his autobiography Donnie Brasco:.

(Resident Commissioner) November 15, 1916 57 Following operation for "acute liver trouble" San Juan, Puerto Rico San Antonio De Paduas Cemetery, Barranquitas.

the site said that it had grown "from a two-person operation to a full-fledged news business with worldwide contributors" but at the time, it was run.

The island is now uninhabited, but an automated remote radio transmitter for Iqaluit Coast Guard Radio remains in operation.

Pringle was the first of five ships that eventually received the catapult to use it operationally.

As the German offensives were halted, a Soviet strategic counter-offensive and smaller-scale offensive operations forced the German armies.

She served with distinction in the Pacific Ocean theatre of operations and returned home in 1946 to be placed into the "mothball" fleet.

In IGOR Pro, kernel density estimation is implemented by the StatsKDE operation (added in Igor Pro 7.

February 10 - In a surprise operation, Army troops swooped in and took over a police station in Cancún in connection with the torture.

HistoryThe station began operation on July 15, 1922.

MLS has a number of operational advantages over ILS, including a wider selection of channels to avoid interference with nearby installations, excellent performance in all weather, a small footprint at the airports, and wide vertical and horizontal capture angles that allowed approaches from wider areas around the airport.

military psychological operations is to convince enemy, neutral, and friendly nations and forces to take action favorable to the U.

This technique allows the definition of other logic for execution in place of an insert, update, or delete operation on the views.


undercover operation, rescue operation, activity,


beginning, misconception, end, inactivity,

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