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operas Meaning in marathi ( operas शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

प्रवास, ऑपेरा, गीतात्मक नाटक,


प्रवास, ऑपेरा, गीतात्मक नाटक,

operas मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्याने झुरिच प्रॉडक्शनमध्ये बऱ्याच इटालियन ऑपेराची ध्वनी व व्हिडिओ रेकॉर्डिंग केली.

विसाव्या शतकाच्या सुरूवातीस ज्याकोमो पुचिनीने ऑपेराची लोकप्रियता वाढवली.

केनेडी सेंटरमध्ये नॅशनल सिम्फनी ऑर्केस्ट्रा, वॉशिंग्टन नॅशनल ऑपेरा आणि वॉशिंग्टन बॅलेट आहेत.

कुमार गंधर्व त्यावेळी मुंबईतील ऑपेरा हाऊसला राहत असत व तेथे देवधर स्कूल ऑफ इंडियन म्य़ुझिकशी संलग्न होते.

उद्दिष्टे ज्याकोमो पुचिनी (Giacomo Puccini; २२ डिसेंबर १८५८ - २९ नोव्हेंबर १९२४) हा एक इटालियन ऑपेरा संगीतकार होता.

ऑपेरामध्ये पारंपारिक नाटकाचे अभिनय, पार्श्वभूमीवरील देखावे, रंगभूषा, नृत्य इत्यादी अनेक घटक वापरले जातात.

१९व्या शतकाच्या मध्यकाळात जर्मनीचा रिचर्ड वॅग्नर व इटलीचा ज्युझेप्पे व्हेर्दी हे युरोपातील सर्वात लोकप्रिय ऑपेरानिर्माते होते.

मंडळाच्या पहिलीच सभा विभावरी शिरूरकर यांच्या वाङ्‍मयावर मुंबईच्या रॉयल ऑपेरा हाऊसमध्ये झाली होती.

१९व्या शतकाच्या पूर्वार्धात ज्योआकिनो रोसिनी, गाएतानो दॉनिझेत्ती इत्यादी इटालियन ऑपेराकारांनी ऑपेरावर वर्चस्व प्रस्थापित केले होते.

त्याने रचलेले अनेक ऑपेरा सध्या जगातील सर्वोत्तम ऑपेरांमध्ये गणले जातात.

रोड, ऑपेरा हाऊस अशा मार्गाने गिरगाव चौपाटी येथे पोहोचते.

१६व्या शतकाच्या अखेरीस ऑपेराचा इटलीमध्ये उगम झाला.

operas's Usage Examples:

Haydn wrote several of these operas himself (see List of operas by Joseph Haydn).

He is remembered for his performances and recordings as principal comedian of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company, in the leading patter roles of the Gilbert " Sullivan comic operas in the 1930s and 1940s, and for his career in America from the 1950s to the 1970s.

She has since appeared in concerts and operas at major performance venues internationally.

Adams"s Nixon in China or the arid wastes of Glass"s Akhnaten: characterised vocally and grateful to sing, unlike most modern operas.

In this revision … the citations of themes from Wagner’s operas Tristan und Isolde and Die Walküre were removed from the first movement and finale.

ActingChristian has acted and starred in both soap operas and movies.

Among sources he considered, before proceeding with Madama Butterfly, were three works by French dramatist Alphonse Daudet that Puccini thought might be made into a trilogy of one-act operas.

The axing of Glenroe in 2001 brought to an end the tradition of rural soap operas on RTÉ.

Nietzsche concludes that it may be possible to reattain the balance of Dionysian and Apollonian in modern art through the operas.

Some of these, on the National Guard, Biafra, Pauline Kael, soap operas, the impeachment inquiries (of both Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton), and the press, had received awards.

Name Dates Country Notes List of soap opera media outlets All About Soap 1999–2016 United Kingdom Biweekly print magazine covering primetime soap operas.

Operas1872 operasRussian-language operasOperas by Alexander DargomyzhskyOperas based on works by Aleksandr PushkinWorks based on the Don Juan legendUnfinished operasOperas completed by others The Scottish Young Conservatives (SYC) is the youth wing of the Scottish Conservatives for members aged 25 and under.

His later operas developed the reminiscence motif into the more protean Leitmotif and gradually abandoned many of the themes of romantische Oper.


aria, surtitle, grand opera, opera comique, opera bouffe, classical, musical drama, serious music, classical music, supertitle, act, bouffe, comic opera,


nonstandard, nonclassical, fail, underact, overact,

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