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opens Meaning in marathi ( opens शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उघडते, घाईघाईने उघडा, प्रारंभ करणे, अनावरण करा, ते दृश्यमान करा, खेळणे, अधिक उघडा, सुरु करूया, उलगडणे, सुरू करण्यासाठी, चाटणे, उघड करा, योग्य, उघडण्यासाठी, प्रकट करणे, उत्तेजित करा, अॅलन, उघडा,


मोकळी जागा, रिकामी जागा,


प्रारंभ करणे, अनावरण करा, उघडण्यासाठी, खेळणे, सुरू करण्यासाठी, चाटणे, उघड करा, योग्य, सुरु करूया, प्रकट करणे, उत्तेजित करा, अॅलन, उघडा,


दुर्मिळ, जबाबदार, उघड, रुंद, थीमॅटिक, पुढे, सहमत, अनावरण केले, प्राप्य, विकसित, अंतर, सैल, इतके जाड नाही, प्रकट, वेशात नाही, झाकलेले, फर्डा, वेशात, फुकट, सार्वजनिक, प्रवेशयोग्य, अनियंत्रित, गुप्त नाही, तयार, उघडा,

opens मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

परंतु शेवटी झीनतला आपले उदिष्ट मीरापुढे उघड करावे लागते व मीराच्या टिकेला सामोरे जावे लागते.

या कायद्यात असे आदेश देण्यात आले आहेत की सर्व नागरी आणि सैन्य अधिकारी सामील झाल्यानंतर दोन महिन्यांत त्यांची भारत आणि ब्रिटनमधील मालमत्ता उघड करा.

opens's Usage Examples:

Number of deaths under MaoThe book opens with the sentence Mao Tse-tung, who for decades held absolute power over the lives of one-quarter of the world's population, was responsible for well over 70 million deaths in peacetime, more than any other twentieth century leader.

Next to it on the Porthill side is the Boathouse public house and Becks Field - both Quarry Park and Becks Field are extensive open green spaces largely preserved from building by their propensity to flood.

In 2013 two open spaces opens, Ontario Square and Canada Square.

1860: The British colony of Victoria opens its first school for the deaf in Melbourne, Victorian College for the Deaf,1864: The U.

The museum charges no entrance fee, but depends on donations from the public, and currently opens every Wednesday and Saturday from 10am to 12pm.

Different specific granite types have differing propensities to weather, and so differing likelihoods of producing decomposed granite.

has a playful sense of humour and shares her husband"s propensity for mooching; the pair often invite themselves to friends" houses for dinner.

Its name comes from the propensity of its fur to spike when it leaves the water.

com wrote "The character song "Out There" opens with a frighteningly sinister conversational interaction between Frollo and Quasimodo before.

Camp director “Weird Al” Yankovic opens Camp MTV with the assembled campers and staff in the dining hall, and Stanley Spadowski wants to go hiking.

Corinthia, whose inhabitants were adventurous seafarers, credited with deceitful propensities.

However, just as he does this the portal reopens and sucks Ash and Sam into it along with the Necronomicon possibly sending them back in time, presumably to its own alternate version of Army of Darkness, thus ending the game.


unbar, click open, unseal, prise, unlock, breach, open up, gap, break open, prize, lance, pry, uncork, unbolt, jimmy, lever, reopen,


close, bar, cork, bolt, lock, seal,

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