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oops Meaning in marathi ( oops शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)





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oops मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

बसवण्णा जोडी पाहून म्हणतात, अरेरे हरळय्या ! , हे जोडे खूप सुंदर आहेत.

आपण फक्त अरेरे असे म्हणून सोडून देतो.

१) अरेरे! ओझ्याखालीं बैल मेला! धांवा.

oops's Usage Examples:

After joining the Loyalists, Munro was injured in the American Revolutionary War and saddled with more debt after supplying troops out of pocket.

Japan also coerced Thailand into co-operating with the invasion, though Thai troops resisted the landings in Thai territory for eight hours.

February 10 - In a surprise operation, Army troops swooped in and took over a police station in Cancún in connection with the torture.

Telegraph insisted that British audiences would be surprised to see the unwonted harshness with which the British troops in the film treated Jewish civilians.

The Spartan king, Leonidas (Bill Roberts), is preparing his troops for imminent invasion.

fight because he was outgunned, but saw his chance after the troops "foolishly" wasted their ammunition.

There was, however, a conscious choice to utilise packing, such as blankets, that were required by the troops and might otherwise have been supplied separately.

During offensives by Soviet troops, German-led forces were often unable to organize strong defenses in the partisan zones.

As part of the Goliad Campaign to retake the Texas Gulf Coast, Mexican troops ambushed a group of Texians on March 2, 1836.

There was great disquiet amongst the British, who disliked the idea of serving under native officers; others felt that without good breeding, a public school education, and sufficient suitable training, Indians would not become good officers and would neither be able to lead nor be accepted by the native troops.

Loops of thread known as 'twirls' are also couched along the outer edge.

Wehrmacht troops viewing issues of Signal at a newspaper stand in Palermo, Sicily, 1943.

A pilot who actuates an elevator input may find that the aircraft then "droops" or "drops back" to a position further toward the start position.

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