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oof Meaning in marathi ( oof शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उफ, पैसा, रोख, कणिक,


पूर्ण, काहीतरी बनलेले, काहीतरी करून बनवलेले, संसर्गित, मध्ये, बद्दल, पासून, संबंधित,

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oof मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अप्रभावी किंवा अपुर्‍या रक्तकणिका असल्याने रक्त न गोठण्याचे आजार होतात.

पांडवांचा उत्कर्ष पाहून धृतराष्ट्र चिंताक्रांत झाला व कणिक नावाच्या एका राजनीतितज्ज्ञ ब्राह्मणाला बोलावून त्याला सल्ला विचारला.

हिमोग्लोबिनमुळेच तांबड्या रक्तकणिका त्यांचा आकार टिकवून ठेवतात.

व्रत करणाऱ्याने अर्धाशेर कणिकेचा चूरमा खाणे अपेक्षित असते.

साहित्य: पालक;कांदा कोशिंबीर लसुण पाकळ्या कणिक पाणी तिखट मिठ जिरे गोडतेल.

गव्हाचे पीठ किंवा मैदा मळून त्याची कणिक तयार करावी.

रक्तकणिका रक्तक्लथनाने रक्तप्रवाह थांबवण्याचा प्रयत्न करतात.

त्यामध्ये रक्तकणिका, रक्तरस, आणि प्रक्रिया केलेले रक्तक्लथन घटकांचा समावेश आहे.

रक्तातील तांबड्या रक्तकणिकांमध्ये असणारे हे प्रथिन चार ग्लोब्युलीन प्रथिन-शृंखलाचे बनलेले असते.

कणिक्कर मृतांना पुरतात.

पाण्या ऐवजी दुधात भिजवलेल्या कणिकेच्या चपातीस 'दशमी' असे म्हणतात.

oof's Usage Examples:

The Moody Blues recording of the song was featured prominently in the soundtrack, particularly during a rooftop dance sequence.

This change did not affect the further roll out of the new range, leading to the Versa and a radically restyled Solo (the Solo SR), both with a distinctive raised part of the roofline towards the front of the bus.

francs, carpenters – 22,105 francs, stone cutters – 25,661 francs, roof–coverers – 7,618 francs, blacksmiths – 805 francs, non–skilled workers – 32,580.

In 1854, the federal government hired West Point engineering graduate (and Louisiana native) Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard to fireproof the building, rebuild the arches supporting the basement ceiling and install masonry flooring.

The walls are fashioned out of rustically cut native sandstone, and it is topped by a metal hip roof with widely.

typically depicted as a beautiful young woman who has the legs of a hoofed animal such as a goat or camel.

At the time, the area was promoted as Atlanta's new modern fireproof business district.

In 1986 Celestion introduced the System 6000, a double-dipole subwoofer system with active audio crossover to complement and enhance the SL series.

activities, rescuing people from collapsed buildings and removing unexploded ordnances from streets and rooftops.

These torpedo tubes as they were nicknamed, enabled the fuel and water tanks to be increased to each, although some railroads opted for roof-mounted air tanks and fuel tanks on their freight ‘Geeps’.

di with its two million members have considerably weakened the DGB as a roof organization.

The A-shaped roof is covered in raffia palm leaves.

Silver Britannias have been released each year beginning in 1997, when a silver proof set was offered.

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