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onst Meaning in marathi ( onst शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


सुरुवात करणे, दीक्षा, जोरदार हल्ला,

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onst मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

1923 साली त्यांनी बिअर हॉल Putsch म्हणून ओळखले म्युनिक मध्ये एक आकस्मिक जोरदार हल्लाचा प्रयत्न केला .

नागपूरच्या मुधोजी II भोसले आणि इंदूरचे मल्हारराव होळकर तिसरा यांच्या पाठिंब्याने पेशवा बाजीराव II च्या सैन्याने ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनीविरूद्ध जोरदार हल्ला केला.

अतिशय अडचणीच्या जागेवर सैन्यासकट मलिक उत्तुजारला आणल्यावर विशाळगडावरील शंकरराव मोरे यांनी जोरदार हल्ला केला.

कॅप्टनने अलंगगडाच्या माचीचे घनदाट जंगल ओलांडून पुढे जायला सुरुवात करताच पाठीमागून बापू भांगरे यांनी आपल्या साथीदारांसह जोरदार हल्ला चढवला.

onst's Usage Examples:

Some implementations have trouble with path constraints.

The gaster is large and without constrictions.

"It has rightly been called the period of the Great Church, in view of its numerical growth, its constitutional development and its intense theological.

Parliamentary, Clifton falls within the Nottingham South constituency, with Lilian Greenwood (Labour) the current Member of Parliament.

Kingdom of Buganda, one of the ancient African monarchies that are constitutionally recognised in Uganda.

and subordinate courts, a Constitutional Court, and an independent prosecutorial institution.

It was merged with the Edinburgh and St Andrews Universities constituency to form the Combined Scottish Universities constituency.

Not surprisingly, at this point, although Gandhi still remained loyal to Britain and enamored with the ideals of the British constitution, his desire to support and independent home rule became stronger.

The Erie Traveler is a 51-foot-long, 7 foot-wide Durham boat replica built during 2016-2017 by staff and volunteers of the Buffalo Maritime Center for the Locks Heritage District Corporation for demonstration purposes along the canal in Lockport.

A recent study demonstrated now, that swaddling is apparently a risk factor for SIDS, although the opposite was often previously assumed: Of the babies who died of SIDS, 24% were swaddled; in the control-groups only 6% were swaddled.

The movement was severely crippled during the Philippine Revolution after the Philippine Constabulary took over patrols in Samar, when the U.

The game's monsters were designed by Itsuo Itoh, and the dragons were created by Hirohiko Iyoku.

western constellation in modern Chinese is 豺狼座 (chái láng zuò), meaning "the dhole constellation".

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