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on the go Meaning in marathi ( on the go शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

जाता जाता, सक्रिय, चालू, कार्यरत,


सक्रिय, चालू, कार्यरत,

on the go मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यासाठी हिंदुस्तानी प्रचारसभेच्या कामात त्यांनी सक्रिय सहभाग घेतला.

स्पेसचा स्त्रीवादी अलिप्ततावाद हा कृष्ण शक्ती आणि इतर वांशिक एकता चळवळींनी निर्माण केलेल्या सक्रियतेचा थेट परिणाम आणि त्यांची एकता होती.

पृथ्वीवरील सुमारे ५०० ज्वालामुखी सक्रिय आहेत, महासागरांच्या खाली डूबलेल्या ज्वालामुखींचा समावेश नाही.

ते १९५५ मध्ये समाजवादी पक्षाने छेडलेल्या गोवा मुक्ती संग्रामातही सक्रिय होते.

उत्प्रेरके हे विविध पद्धतींमध्ये प्रतिक्रियांची गती वाढवतात, ज्यापैकी सर्व सक्रियकरण ऊर्जा कमी करतात (ΔG ‡, गिब्स मुक्त ऊर्जा).

परदेशी वस्तूंची होळी, हरिजन मंदिर प्रवेश, अस्पृश्यता निवारण यांपासून ते भूदान कार्यापर्यंत त्यांचा सक्रिय सहभाग होता.

ते मराठवाडा विद्यापीठाच्या नामांतर लढ्यातील समन्वयवादी नेते, तसेच दलित पॅंथर चळवळीतील सक्रिय नेते होते.

प्रकाश आंबेडकर यांच्या नेतृत्वात स्थापन झालेल्या भारिप बहुजन महासंघ या पक्षात सुरुवातीपासून सक्रिय सहभाग.

तो रत्नागिरी जिल्ह्यातील मंडणगड तालुक्यातील एका छोट्याशा गावातून आला आणि उच्च शिक्षण घेण्यासाठी मुंबईला गेला आणि राष्ट्रीय विद्यार्थी संघाच्या माध्यमातून विद्यार्थी राजकारणात सक्रिय झाला.

बाबा आढाव यांच्या एक गाव - एक पाणवठा या चळवळीत दाभोलकर यांचा सक्रिय सहभाग होता.

सक्रिय राजकीय जीवनातसुद्धा, त्यांच्यावर कधीही घाणेरड्या राजकारणाचा प्रभाव नव्हता आणि स्वच्छ आयुष्य जगले.

कौटुंबिक व व्यावसायिक जबाबदारी संभाळून लोकनेते दादा गावातील समाजकारणात सक्रिय होते.

on the go's Usage Examples:

Hundreds of students were arrested in at least nine cities, including Gondar, Bure, Bahir Dar, Debre Marqos, Dessie and Awassa for demonstrating despite a month-old ban on protests imposed on the government.

on the government of vote rigging, immediately calling for the massive dharnas against the government.

children fell ill healers would call on the goddess as they practiced hydromancy in order to find the tonalli (spirits) of sick children.

He also won the gold medal at the 1991 Pan American Games, and he also played at the 1986 FIBA World Championship, and the 1990 FIBA World Championship.

PTV has been described as a satire on the government's ever-increasing reach into our living rooms by Television Watch executive director Jim Dyke.

Operational historyEven though the Lockheed 12 had won the government's feeder airliner competition, most of the airlines rejected it, and very few Lockheed 12s were used as airliners.

On November 2, 2017, Disney announced that the ride would be renovated, which would include Pixar characters on the gondolas but with.

Louis, Post won the gold medal in the singlestick and team foil competition, silver in individual foil and bronze in individual.

(harvesting, regeneration, and tending) may happen at the same time within a stand, depending on the goal for that particular stand.

He won the gold medal at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, Spain.

Ken Sitzberger (class of 1963) was a diver who won the gold medal in the 3-meter springboard at the 1964 Summer Olympics.

ControversyIn September 2009, he pleaded guilty to charges of fraud over "5,000 and fraud on the government.

and attended Tamworth High School, leaving at the age of 16 to work as a postie while spending most of his time on the golf course.


hasten, drag, tramp, uprise, do, get around, roam, go down, shuttle, wheel, pan, travel along, pelt along, pace, automobile, take the air, ascend, transfer, plough, creep, meander, ferry, speed, go around, whisk, float, progress, travel by, motor, swim, thread, get about, run, retrograde, go up, lift, come up, drift, rush, be adrift, come down, pass over, belt along, spurt, trail, zoom, journey, march on, go past, career, snowshoe, lurch, taxi, trundle, push, ride, hurtle, lance, drive, swan, bucket along, pass, glide, slither, prance, step, range, go forward, sit, rove, slice into, travel rapidly, descend, advance, retire, recede, billow, angle, hie, stray, pass on, wend, travel purposefully, circle, race, resort, steam, plow, walk, whine, go on, draw, fly, overfly, continue, follow, caravan, island hop, cast, outflank, whoosh, step on it, sift, crank, move around, crawl, arise, pull away, zigzag, displace, tread, jump, swash, accompany, move, cruise, pursue, whistle, slide, shack, locomote, bang, vagabond, propagate, pull back, move back, err, zip, spread, turn, round, seek, change, pass by, forge, circulate, whish, withdraw, cannonball along, hotfoot, wind, swap, return, weave, travel, hiss, breeze, flock, precess, swing, come, hurry, betake oneself, circuit, fall, raft, ramble, tram, rise, bounce, wander, repair, lead, move up, beetle, play, roll, steamer, move on, go by, ease, spirt, carry, derail, ghost, draw back, blow, go through, scramble, surpass, back, wing, retreat, go across, slice through, precede, rush along, proceed, jounce, ski,


rise, recede, ascend, ride, linger, stay in place, precede, descend, go, advance, fall, follow,

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