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on all fours Meaning in marathi ( on all fours शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सर्व चार वर, रांगणे,



on all fours मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

रांगणेकरांनी काही हिंदी कादंबऱ्यांचेही मराठी अनुवाद केले आहेत.

शंतनू रांगणेकर व मच्छिंद्र गडकर-सर्वोत्कृ्ष्ट बाल‍अभिनेता-चित्रपट चॅंपियन्स (२०११).

सुमती क्षेत्रमाडे, कुमुदिनी रांगणेकर, नरुभाऊ लिमये, शरदचंद्र गोखले, सेतू माधवराव पगडी, गंगुताई पटवर्धन, गोपीनाथ तळवलकर, डॉ.

पीटर ड्रकर, फिलिप कोटलर, मायकेल पोर्टर आदी जगाच्या विकसित कप्प्यातील बड्या नावांच्या पंक्तीत शरू रांगणेकर यांना मानाचे स्थान आहे.

रांगणेकरांच्या नाट्यनिकेतनमध्ये गेले.

पश्चिम घाटातील धरणे खंडेराव मोरेश्वर रांगणेकर (जन्म : २७ जून १९१७; - ११ ऑक्टोबर १९८४) हे एक भारतीय क्रिकेट खेळाडू होते.

नायडू, विजय हजारे, बोर्डे, खंडू रांगणेकर, नाना जोशी, मधू रेगे, हेमंत कानिटकर यासारख्या किती तरी खेळाडूंचा खेळ त्यांच्या शब्दातून ऐकताना श्रोत्यांच्या माहितीत खूपच भर पडायची.

कुमुदिनी रांगणेकर : इच्छानगरी.

रांगणेकरांच्या कुबेर चित्रपटाला देशपांडे यांनी संगीत दिले आणि चित्रपटातील गाणी देखील गायले.

रांगणेकर आस्ट्रेलियात १९४७ च्या सुमारास तीन कसोटी सामने खेळले होते.

खंडू रांगणेकरांना मिळालेले सन्मान.

on all fours's Usage Examples:

from South Africa, it had a large body and sturdy limbs, suggesting it moved about on all fours.

His plan was to deceive the Greeks by walking on all fours.

showing King on all fours on the ground while the officers, taking turns tasering and beating King with their batons.

southern Turkey, five (except for another, who had died) of whom walk on all fours with their feet and the palms of their hands in what is called a "bear.

rear legs were probably longer than the front pair, and it could move on all fours or walk and run on its hind legs only.

birth-attendants the world over include squatting, standing, kneeling and on all fours, often in a sequence.

relatively long and muscular foreflippers, and the ability to walk on all fours.

Quadrupedalism is sometimes referred to as being on all fours, and is observed in crawling, especially by infants.

The video the action narrative is repeatedly inter-cut with scenes of Spears, on all fours on the floor, wearing a sheer bodysuit covered in diamonds.

failing English, then questioning it and saying, "Me fail English? That"s unpossible!", or running on all fours on a hamster wheel.

Doggy style is a sex position in which a person bends over, crouches on all fours (usually on hands and knees), or lies on their abdomen, for sexual intercourse.

he was on all fours at the exit, rolled his eyes, raised a forefinger portentously, whispered, "the Intelligence Service", and scuttled through like a rabbit.

If these are not effective, efforts to manually rotate the baby's shoulders or placing the woman on all fours may be tried.




conquerable, surmountable,

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