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omni Meaning in marathi ( omni शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सर्व, काही हरकत नाही, सर्व काही, सर्वत्र,

omni मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

मात्र लोकमत अनुकूल असेल आणि धर्मवचनांच्या बाबतींत तडजोड होत असेल, तर असा कायदा करण्यास आमची काही हरकत नाही.

अशा प्रकारे या स्थानाला मानवविकासाचे आरंभिक स्थान मानण्यात काही हरकत नाही.

सांगलीतील पर्यटनस्थळे ही अगदी मोजकीच आहेत, पण ही पर्यटनस्थळे सांगलीकरांसाठी एक प्रकारची पर्वणीच आहे, जी काही जणांसाठी एकांतातले भक्तीचे अध्यात्मिक स्थान, तर काही जणांसाठी पिकनिक पॉईंट तर काही जणांसाठी कपल्स् आणि जोडप्यांचे रमणीय ठिकाण वा मित्रांसाठी एकदिवसीय ट्रिपची एक प्रकारची अविस्मरणीय पर्वणीच आहे, असे म्हटल्यास काही हरकत नाही.

omni's Usage Examples:

In 1907 it was described as having a color which is unique upon the moon, a kind of light brown, quite unlike the hue of any of the other plains or mountain regionsReferencesSomni, Palus Afā (also known as Toikia) is an aitu or supernatural being in the Polynesian mythology of Tokelau.

He was remembered by Bishop Thietmar of Merseburg as decus regni, solatium patriae, comes suis, terror inimicis et per omnia perfectissimus.

Accurata medendi methodus quantum fieri potest ab omni hypothesi abstracta, in 3 partes divisa pathologiam universalem, particularem et.

Arihants are also called kevalins (omniscient beings) as they possess kevala jnana (pure infinite knowledge).

Shelley does not profess to know why Intellectual Beauty, which he calls unknown and awful, is an inconstant visitor, but he is convinced that if it kept with [its] glorious train firm state within man's heart, man would be immortal and omnipotent.

Insomnia is a common protracted withdrawal symptom that persists after the acute withdrawal phase of alcohol.

In general, he is "imperturbable, omnicompetent, firm but genial, and an accomplished actor", who commands authority.

Its self-similarity recalls God"s omnipresence and invariability.

The theme of non-creationism and absence of omnipotent God and divine grace runs strongly in all the.

Kevala jñāna or Keval gyāna means omniscience in Jainism and is roughly translated as complete understanding or supreme wisdom.

refer to: Immune-histochemistry intrauterine hypoxia Hepatitis A (infectious hepatitis) Idiopathic hypersomnia Intracranial hypertension Hydrogen iodide.

When addressed, the interactive Actroids use a combination of floor sensors and omnidirectional vision sensors in order to maintain eye contact with the speaker.

when it was intended, in opposition to the idea of world-formation from unoriginate matter, to give expression to the omnipotence, freedom and uniqueness.

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