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nearly Meaning in marathi ( nearly शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पेक्षा कमी, आत्मीयतेने, जवळपास, जवळजवळ, द्वारे, जवळून, जवळ,


पेक्षा कमी, आत्मीयतेने, जवळपास, जवळजवळ, द्वारे, जवळून, जवळ,

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nearly मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जवळजवळ ४०% भारतीयवंशी अमेरिकनांकडे शैक्षणिक उच्चपदव्या आहेत.

ऑलिंपिकमध्ये सहभागी होणाऱ्या जवळजवळ प्रत्येक देशाने आजवर अ‍ॅथलेटिक्समध्ये भाग घेतला आहे.

बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर यांच्या प्रभावामुळे एका सर्वेक्षणानुसार मार्च १९५९ पर्यंत भारतात जवळजवळ १.

टेंभु गावापासून कृष्णा नदीचे पाच टप्प्यात वेगवेगळ्या ठिकाणी उचलुन ते सोलापूर, सांगली व सातारा जिल्ह्यातील सात तालुक्यातील २११ गावातील जवळजवळ ८0 हजार ६७२ इतके क्षेत्र ओलिताखाली येणार आहे.

आगरी बोली जवळजवळ प्रत्येक गावानुसार थोडीशी बदलते.

जवळजवळ ९३% भारतीय आपापल्या धर्माचे पालन करताना आढळतात.

२००५ — जुलै मध्ये मुसळधार पाऊस आणि पुरामुळे महाराष्ट्रात जवळजवळ ४५० मृतांची संख्या मागील १२० वर्षांत सर्वात वाईट परिस्थिती.

काही लोकांना निराशेचे कालावधी वेगवेगळ्या वर्षांमध्ये असते ज्यामध्ये ते सामान्य असतात, आणि बाकीच्यांना जवळजवळ नेहमीच लक्षणे असतात.

मेलन या पदावर जवळजवळ बारा वर्षे होता.

पुढची जवळजवळ ५० वर्षे ते चित्रपटांचे गीतलेखन करत होते.

पण पृथ्वीसुद्धा सूर्याभोवती फिरत असल्यामुळे पृथ्वीच्या आकाशात त्याच ठिकाणी यायला चंद्राला जवळजवळ २९.

उदाहरणार्थ समुद्रावर दिसणारा सूर्यास्त जवळजवळ जगद्व्यापी रित्या सगळ्या माणसांच्या मनात सुखदभावना निर्माण करतो, आणि मग आपण जवळजवळ सगळी माणसे सूर्यास्त अतिमनोहर असल्याचे विधान करत असतो.

सुधीर फडके हे 'राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघा'त जवळजवळ ६० वर्षे होते.

nearly's Usage Examples:

This monoclinal fold extends for nearly 100 miles (160 km) in the semi-arid plateau of.

Just beyond this is the remaining obelisk of Hatshepsut, nearly 30 m in height.

At the time, Picasso was nearly 50 years older than Laporte and had recently fathered two children with Françoise Gilot.

Seven of those missing Kuwaitis are women and nearly 24 are under the age of 16.

On 20 June 1971, Azam reaffirmed his support for the Pakistani army by citing that 'the army has eradicated nearly all criminals of East Pakistan'.

Sherman started his 30 years on staff as a cub reporter covering nearly all the regular news beats from police and sheriff to.

BackgroundThe novel depicts Suo Chao as seven chi tall and striking in appearance with a round face, big ears, squarish mouth and a beard which nearly obscures his face.

But after finally calling it quits on a professional career that included nearly 600 classified results in UCI-sanctioned events, Simoni was vague concerning his plans for his life after cycling, though he hinted at not being in a rush or under any economic or psychological pressure to immediately engage in a new venture.

ArchitectureThe Bank of the West Tower was designed by the Albuquerque firm of Flatow, Moore, Bryan, and Fairburn, which was also responsible for the nearly identical Del Webb Building in Phoenix (later extensively remodeled).

After averaging nearly 6200 fans per game in 2002, attendance dropped more than 1000 to average 4975 per game in 2003.

During this time she was a driving force behind the government's policy of creating New Order Mining Rights which ended a period where big mining firms which controlled nearly all South Africa's minerals reserves, were able to hold mining rights to them in perpetuity.

Though nearly all human skin is covered with hair.

at the time was still strong enough that Sherwood Schwartz used Sir Lancelot's musical style as inspiration for the original theme song to the television program Gilligan's Island and nearly had Sir Lancelot sing the theme.


about, well-nigh, almost, nigh, virtually, most, near,


distant, generous, far, recede, go,

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