mulga Meaning in marathi ( mulga शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
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Federal statutes Federal regulation Consistent with the federal statutes that they administer, US federal agencies promulgate regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations that fill out the broad programs enacted by Congress.
Before promulgation, Acts of Adjournal are reviewed and may be commented upon by the Criminal.
promulgating a wage index rule in 1984 under which he would recoup Medicare reimbursements paid to hospitals, including Georgetown University Hospital, that had.
The first one was promulgated in 1973, and the second one in 2002.
From 1921, he funded the Boswell Publishing Company, and then in 1922 until his death, the Patriot, a radical right-wing weekly which published articles by Nesta Webster and promulgated a mix of anti-communism and anti-semitism.
Department of Labor for use in promulgating legal standards.
but only a divine will, "will" being understood to mean the desires and appetites in accord with the nature (promulgated in 638 by the same and opposed.
placitum generalis, or conventus, a plenary assembly of the entire kingdom, whereat military and legislative matters, such as the promulgation of capitularies.
4-part definition of law—the requirement of promulgation—is taken from the canonists, and the sed contra of his article on promulgation cites Gratian (the.
Copper was mined at Kapunda, Truro and Kanmantoo and may be again and a zinc (and lead, silver and gold) mine is proposed near Princeps pastorum (Latin for 'Prince of the shepherds') is the title of an encyclical letter promulgated by Pope John XXIII on 28 November 1959.
their respective faithful in no way share the positions of those who call in question the legitimacy and doctrinal exactitude of the Roman Missal promulgated.
Erlangen program of Felix Klein appealed early on to Segre, and he became a promulgator.
The effort is allegedly related to destabilization efforts for the forthcoming promulgation by the Sandiganbayan on the.