mucoid Meaning in marathi ( mucoid शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
विविध ग्लायकोप्रोटीनपैकी कोणतेही म्युसिन सारखे नाही,
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mucoid's Usage Examples:
of histotrophy: In mucoid or limited histotrophy, the developing embryo ingests uterine mucus or histotroph as a supplement to the energy supplies provided.
the organism"s highly mucoid appearance.
Colonies of Sinorhizobium medicae are mucoid and ring-shaped and can be viewed here.
It is critical that the patient not give a specimen that includes any mucoid material from the interior of the nose.
purulent, mucoid or mucopurulent (depending on the cause) Conjunctival hyperaemia and chemosis, usually also with swelling of the eyelids Corneal involvement.
If there is no obstruction to the flow of mucus, it is called mucoid impaction of bronchus.
connective tissue tumor with a "myxoid" background, composed of clear, mucoid substance.
proteins: ossein (collagens), osseomucoid (proteoglycans) and osseoalbuminoid (elastin).
yeast which forms white and cream colored colonies which are smooth with a mucoid texture.
There are two categories of histotrophy: In mucoid or limited histotrophy, the developing embryo ingests uterine mucus or histotroph.
Some organisms, especially Klebsiella and Enterobacter, produce mucoid colonies which appear very moist and sticky.
0 mm) grayish white to colorless mucoid colonies.
Pantoea bacteria are yellow pigmented, ferment lactose, are motile, and form mucoid colonies.