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move Meaning in marathi ( move शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

हलवा, शेक किंवा शेक, स्थलांतर करा,


आगाऊ, गती, चला खेळुया, चल जाऊया, पाऊल, स्थितीत बदल, जागरण, वाढवा, खेळाची भेट, ड्रायव्हिंग, काढणे, चालवा,


मन वळवणे, भावना ढवळणे, चलन, नाराज, शेड, पास, नृत्य, चालवा, हस्तांतरित करण्यासाठी, हलवा, ढवळणे, पुढे सरका, चालणे, चालता हो, हस्तांतरण, जागे व्हा, काढा, वाढवणे, हलविण्यासाठी, हृदयाला स्पर्श करा, प्रपोज करणे,

move मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ठरल्या वेळी एका मुलखातून दुसऱ्या मुलुखात स्थलांतर करायचे व नंतर नियमितपणे परतायचे हे पक्ष्यांच्या स्थलांतराचे खास लक्षण आहे.

रॉबिन ह्यांच्या कामामुळे त्यांच्या कुटुंबाला काही वर्षे अफगाणीस्तान येथे स्थलांतर करावे लागले.

परंतु घरची आर्थिक परिस्थिती हलाखीची असल्याने कुटुंबाला स्थलांतर करावे लागते.

त्यांना आपला प्रदेश सोडून गंगा व सदामीरा नद्यांच्या पाणथळ प्रदेशाकडे स्थलांतर करावे लागले.

खेड्यातून अनेक लोकांना रोजगारासाठी शहराकडे स्थलांतर करावे लागल्याने एकत्र कुटुंब पद्धतीचा ऱ्हास झाला.

इसवीसन १८१८ मध्ये किल्ला इंग्रजांच्या ताब्यात गेल्यामुळे मराठी राज्यातील त्या अधिकाऱ्यांना स्थलांतर करावे लागले.

पण मार्गोला आलेल्या त्या नोटिशीमुळे त्यांनी ठरवले होते त्यापेक्षा कित्येक आठवडे आधीच त्यांना स्थलांतर करावे लागले.

त्यामुळे आणि राजाकार चळवळीमुळे या समाजाला स्थलांतर करावे लागले.

move's Usage Examples:

and found a ready-made audience among teenagers who fawned on the band"s every move.

Local authorities temporarily installed a further scaffolding footway joining the bridge and Mazarredo street, but removed it under protests.

The aims of the operation were to root out as many as 300 suspected Afghan insurgents who had moved into the villages.

Various buildings have been moved from elsewhere in the cove and placed near the Cable mill, including a barn, a carriage house, a chicken coop, a molasses still, a sorghum press, and a replica of a blacksmith shop.

They don't like the politicians much because, as soon as they get elected, they move to Honiara and only show up again when it's time to get re-elected.

families that have recently been moved to new suborders: Chlopsidae (false morays), Heterenchelyidae (mud eels), Moringuidae (worm eels), Muraenidae (moray.

AllegrettoThe first movement, based basically in E major, features an original Hungarian folk theme, similar to a nineteenth-century Hungarian verbunkos dance.

Last building on the direct current gridOn November 14, 2007, the building became the final site to be removed from Thomas Edison's original direct current grid in New York City.

Most recently he has taken on the position of lighting designer for the play Fiddler on the roof done by CFTPersonal lifeIn 1967 he moved to London, England.

On the right is a group of horsemen who seem unmoved by the execution, acting as if this was their daily business.

have explored sensorimotor retraining activities to enable the brain to "rewire" itself and eliminate dystonic movements.

In early 1946, Gryczkiewicz, Maria Hłasko and Marek moved to Wrocław.


ski, jounce, proceed, rush along, precede, slice through, go across, retreat, wing, back, surpass, scramble, go through, blow, draw back, ghost, derail, carry, spirt, ease, go by, move on, steamer, roll, play, beetle, move up, lead, repair, wander, bounce, rise, tram, ramble, raft, fall, circuit, betake oneself, go, hurry, come, swing, precess, flock, breeze, hiss, travel, weave, return, swap, wind, hotfoot, cannonball along, withdraw, whish, circulate, forge, pass by, change, seek, round, turn, spread, zip, err, move back, pull back, propagate, vagabond, bang, locomote, shack, slide, whistle, pursue, cruise, accompany, swash, jump, tread, displace, zigzag, pull away, arise, crawl, move around, crank, sift, step on it, whoosh, outflank, cast, island hop, caravan, follow, continue, overfly, fly, draw, go on, whine, walk, plow, steam, resort, race, circle, travel purposefully, wend, pass on, stray, hie, angle, billow, recede, retire, advance, descend, travel rapidly, slice into, rove, sit, go forward, range, step, prance, slither, glide, pass, bucket along, swan, drive, lance, hurtle, ride, push, trundle, taxi, lurch, snowshoe, career, go past, march on, journey, zoom, trail, spurt, belt along, pass over, come down, be adrift, rush, drift, come up, lift, go up, retrograde, run, get about, thread, swim, motor, travel by, progress, float, whisk, go around, speed, ferry, meander, creep, plough, transfer, ascend, take the air, automobile, pace, pelt along, travel along, pan, wheel, shuttle, go down, roam, get around, do, uprise, tramp, drag, hasten,


follow, fall, advance, go, descend, precede, stay in place, linger, ride, ascend, recede, rise,

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