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monogamist Meaning in marathi ( monogamist शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मोनोगॅमिस्ट, एकपत्नी व्यक्ती, एकपत्नी,

कोणी एका वेळी एकपत्नीत्व (एक पत्नी) पाळत असे,


एकपत्नी व्यक्ती, एकपत्नी,

monogamist मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

एकपत्नीव्रत आणि पातिव्रत्य हेच हिंदू धर्माचे आदर्श आहेत, असेही म्हटले जाते.

समूहविवाह, बहुपतिकत्व, बहुपत्नीकत्व आणि एकविवाह किंवा एकपत्नीकत्व असा विवाहसंबंधांचा उत्क्रांतिद्योतक क्रम लावणे, आता अशास्त्रीय मानले आहे.

हिंदू धर्माने पुरुषाला एकपत्नीकत्वाचे बंधन घातले नव्हते, असे काहींचे म्हणणे आहे.

पातिव्रत्य, एकपत्नीव्रत, आज्ञाधारकता ही सर्व ढोंगे आहेत, असे त्यांनी आवेशाने मांडले आहे.

कारण अनेक दृष्टींनी सुसंस्कृत समजल्या जाणाऱ्या समाजात बहुपत्नीकत्व आणि अंदमानी लोकांसारख्या मागासलेल्या समाजात एकपत्नीकत्व रूढ असलेले दिसते.

एका पुरुषाच्या आयुष्यात एका स्त्री बरोबर केलेल्या विवाहाला एक विवाह (?) (मोनोगॅमी) किंवा एकपत्नीव्रत म्हणटले जाते.

परंतु व्यक्तिस्वातंत्र्य व स्त्रीपुरुषसमानता ही तत्त्वे मूलभूत मानली, तर एकविवाह (एकपत्नीकत्व आणि एकपतिकत्व) श्रेष्ठ मानला पाहिजे.

ख्रिस्ती धर्माचा प्रसार असलेल्या यूरोपीय व अमेरिकी समाजांत एकपत्नीकत्वाची चाल बरीच खोल रुजलेली दिसते.

कंदमुळे आणि शिकारीवर जगणारे बसर अंदमानी आदिमवासींमध्ये एकपत्नीत्वाचे नियम आहेत आणि ते पितृवंशीय आहेत.

monogamist's Usage Examples:

Some men that can afford to support several wives prefer monogamist relationships because there is a worry about domestic trouble in Afghan.

ideological nature of what he called the “mono-poly wars,” in which monogamists and polyamorists condescendingly look down at one another as somehow.

an astute speaker of argot (French slang), an ex-Anarchist, a serial monogamist and an inveterate pipe smoker.

Williams, a serial monogamist, breaks up with his latest girlfriend and later prangs Rachel Bradley"s car on a supermarket car park.

In a colony reproduction is limited to one male and one female so a monogamist behavior.

In taxpayer families, polyandrous and monogamist marriage were the more common forms of marriage, while much less widespread.

According to Sam, Pete is a serial monogamist, unable to emotionally connect with any woman since the death of his wife.

The two groups agree to both fight monogamist [and Poteau may refer to:A type of pillory (French for pole)In Canada, a paper candidateAs a proper noun, Poteau may refer to:Poteau, Liège, Belgium, between the municipalities of St.

thinking about love is associated with prejudice against consensual non-monogamists".

The Mishnah and the baraitot clearly reflect a monogamist viewpoint within Judaism (Yevamot 2:10 etc.

(French slang), an ex-Anarchist, a serial monogamist and an inveterate pipe smoker.

Most monogamists define fidelity as committing to only one partner (at a time), and having.

Addressing the subject of polygamy, Penrose reportedly glared at one or more of his Senate colleagues who had a reputation for philandering and said, As for me, I would rather have seated beside me in this chamber a polygamist who doesn't polyg than a monogamist who doesn't monag.


monogynist, partner, spouse, better half, mate, married person,


wife, husband, refrain, disjoin,

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