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miles per gallon Meaning in marathi ( miles per gallon शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मैल प्रति गॅलन


पाच सेंटीमीटर प्रति मैल,

miles per gallon's Usage Examples:

is 56 mi (90 km) and has a combined city/highway fuel economy of 62 miles per gallon gasoline equivalent (3.

2 L/100 km) for the original model and 107 miles per gallon gasoline equivalent (2.

The Ioniq Blue hybrid version has been rated at 58 miles per gallon, making.

6 miles per gallon and could reach about 50 mph (80 km/h).

miles per gallon, L/100 km or kilometres per litre), engine tuning parameters etc.

136 miles per gallon gasoline equivalent (25.

also be reported, such as passenger-mile per gallon (PMPG), obtained by multiplying the miles per gallon of fuel by either the passenger capacity or the.

vehicle three times: 1999: 9,845 miles per gallon (approx.

Achieving approximately 70 miles per gallon, it is relatively economical for a 2-stroke motorcycle.

drop in instantaneous fuel-mileage efficiency to zero miles per gallon, and this lowers the average (or accumulated) fuel-mileage efficiency.

absolute hoot to ride" with "staggering" fuel economy of around 100 miles per gallon.

participants favored a miles per gallon of gasoline equivalent, MPGe, as the metric to compare with the familiar miles per gallon used for gasoline vehicles.


unit of measurement, unit,


artifact, natural object,

miles per gallon's Meaning in Other Sites