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midwest Meaning in marathi ( midwest शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


युनायटेड स्टेट्स (उत्तर मध्य प्रदेशाला कधीकधी ब्रेडबास्केट म्हणतात),



midwest's Usage Examples:

Highway 50) was to provide access to major urban centers along the east coast from the midwest, while creating economic development for northwest and North-Central West Virginia and southeast Ohio.

GroverThe only character in the play with a direct connection to one of the women, Grover Cranberry is a shy banker from the American midwest who enters the play in one of his wife Fanny's dreams.

It is native to bottomlands and wetlands in the southeastern and midwestern United States, in coastal.

near monopoly of fur trading in the midwest, but the number of local trappable wild animals had declined.

He described Russell as "a quiet midwesterner.

The midwestern focus of the UHL also made rivalries less intense than they had been with the southeastern and mid-Atlantic teams of the ECHL.

The 1994 North American cold wave occurred over the midwestern United States, eastern United States, and southern Canada during January 1994.

Ecology It is the most widely distributed of all the American ashes, although its range centers on the midwestern U.

She would write the book Three Score Years and Ten, Life-Long Memories of Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and Other Parts of the West, about the early days of Fort Snelling and her travels through the pioneer midwest.

The M'bwebwe group is less a style of art or music than a loosely-knit group of artists from the midwest with a likeminded penchant for the Gabba Gabba Hey sensibility that could be heard emanating from the club CBGB located just behind the M'bwebwe space on Second Avenue.

Midwest Governors Regional Pact is an interstate compact between seven midwestern states in the United States to coordinate the rollback of economic restrictions.

midwest, and are a favorite of duck hunters, frequently camouflaged with the oarlock sockets removed to eliminate hang-ups in grass.

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