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middlebrow Meaning in marathi ( middlebrow शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मधोमध, मध्यम प्रकारचा बौद्धिक म्हणून ओळखला जातो,

कोणीही खूप शिकलेला किंवा खूप असंस्कृत नाही,

middlebrow's Usage Examples:

legacy, it"s better than its middlebrow reputation would have you believe.

" The middlebrow are meretricious—which is much less demanding than authenticity.

particularly in terms of the difference between the interests of the "middlebrow" populace versus other listeners.

following the announcement, Leckey said, "The critics like middlebrow art.

airwaves were filled with middlebrow fare, in between showings of Leave it to Beaver and The "64,000 Question.

I don"t make middlebrow art.

complaints came from the plot, writing, and "middlebrow" dialogue which inelegantly attempted to bridge "poetic and realistic drama".

literally "pure literature"), and generally does not concern itself with "middlebrow" or "genre" fiction (大衆文学 taishū bungaku, literally "literature for the.

is lowbrow, and between them is middlebrow, describing culture that is neither high nor low; as a usage, middlebrow is derogatory, as in Virginia Woolf"s.

writing for The Guardian, disdained the movie, calling it "grotesquely overpraised", "shot through with middlebrow sophistication, boorish cynicism, unfunny.

Rubin has surmised that Widdemer coined the term "middlebrow" in her essay "Message and Middlebrow," published in 1933 in The Saturday Review of Literature.

Despite its talented cast, the result lacks Wilde's trademark bite; it's soft and middlebrow, even though he was anything but .

Woolf criticizes middlebrows as petty purveyors of highbrow cultures for their own shallow benefit.


someone, person, mortal, soul, somebody, individual,


fat person, introvert, good guy, acquaintance, male,

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