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midair Meaning in marathi ( midair शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मध्यभागी, मधले आकाश,

midair's Usage Examples:

having only one of the gear stands on the platform while having the other in midair).

In Le coq rouge was a yellow man suspended in midair, while in Le peintre et la modelle, half the painter's face was coloured blue.

for the war would amount to five pilots killed in action, four killed in midair crashes, one killed in another flying accident, two wounded in action, and.

Sometimes this involves the wrestler turning the opponent in midair and slamming the opponent down to the mat in front of them onto their back, similar.

unreeled the fuel hose and the receiver aircraft would grapple the hose midair, reel it in and connect it so that fuel can be transferred either with the.

In their battle an arrow in midair is ordered to return to its "mummu", which in this case meant the shaft"s.

Notable uses of the technique: The first use of midair retrieval was in 1955, with Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar transports being.

As they dive, the wrestler wraps their near arm around the opponent's head in a front facelock and swings themselves backwards in midair, landing back-first and simultaneously forcing the opponent's head into the mat.

The performance consists of Spears sitting on a swing singing the song, whilst a male dancer dances beneath her, at one point attaching himself by his feet to the swing whilst midair.

It is described as a "black disc" buoyed midair by suspensors.

Steve regains his hearing and goes back to stunt flying but to save his brother from a midair disaster, he sacrifices his own.

refueling in midair, but accidentally pitched upward and rammed the tanker plane, spilling jet fuel that ignited on both aircraft.

Elmer looks at the miraculous view of the Grand Canyon, but suddenly realizes he is in midair.




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