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materialists Meaning in marathi ( materialists शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

भौतिकवादी, निसर्गवादी,


निसर्गवादी, भौतिकवादी,

materialists मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

१९६०) हे अँग्लो इंडियन समाजाचे ब्रिटिश निसर्गवादी होते.

जोहान रुडोल्फ रेंगर (१७९५ - १८३२), निसर्गवादी आणि डॉक्टर.

ब्रिटिश निसर्गवादी जॉन एडवर्ड ग्रे यांनी दक्षिण आफ्रिकेचा प्रकृतिविद् जोहान्स स्मट्स (१८०८-१८६९) साठी स्मसिया नावाचे नाव ठेवले.

संदर्भ हुमायून अब्दुलअली (मे १९, १९१४, कोबे, जपान - जून ३, २००१, मुंबई, भारत) भारतीय निसर्गवादी, पक्षिविद्यातज्‍ज्ञ, वन्यजीव संवर्धनकर्ते आणि वर्गीकरणशास्त्रज्ञ होते.

materialists's Usage Examples:

Cultural materialists deal with specific historical documents and attempt to analyze and recreate.

To materialists, matter is primary, and mind or spirit or ideas are secondary—the product of matter acting upon matter.

The one was that of a world self-originated, self-organized and self sufficient, interpreted by such men as Marx and Herve, socialists, materialists, and, in the end, hedonists, summed up at last by Felsenburgh.

The work begins by contrasting materialists and idealists.

eliminated from the scientific picture of the world, and hence are called eliminative materialists or eliminativists.

argues that the common belief that "all materialists are nothing but sensualists" is a misconception, as no authentic Carvaka aphorism have been cited.

Şükrü Hanioğlu, "Blueprints for a future society: late Ottoman materialists on science, religion, and art" in Elisabeth Özdalga, "Late Ottoman Society:.

his religious philosophy, and in later life opposed materialists and necessarians.

These artists are destroyers, materialists, and sensualists dealing with process directly.

meeting in Munich - these materialists all have a lot to answer for: the miserableness of Christianity is the result.

To materialists, matter is primary, and mind or spirit or ideas are secondary—the product.

Although there are important differences between them, all of them were materialists who believed that the world was made up of a single substance, matter.

pursuit of the most opposite extremes never resulted in disorder…" Extreme hedonists and materialists like the Charvakas are very candid with regard to pursuing.


unbeliever, disbeliever, nonbeliever,


liberal, socialistic, religious person,

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