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matchings Meaning in marathi ( matchings शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




matchings's Usage Examples:

The number of perfect matchings in a complete.

This property plays a key role in a proof that testing whether a graph can be covered by four perfect matchings is NP-complete.

Counting the number of stable matchings in a given instance is #P-complete.

covering a typical (for Hardy) range of subjects - such as mismatchings, grotesqueries, and ironic memories - the poems generally take a musical shape, often.

Rainbow matchings are of particular interest given their connection to transversals of Latin squares.

Furthermore, the number of perfect matchings is equal to the number of monomials in the polynomial det(A), and is also equal to the permanent of A {\displaystyle.

Induced matchings are induced subgraphs that are matchings.

There are 228 matchings in a ladder graph with five rungs.

decomposition theorem to multi-edge matchings is given in Katarzyna Paluch"s "Capacitated Rank-Maximal Matchings".

1-factorizations (ways to partition the edges into disjoint perfect matchings).

Furthermore, the number of perfect matchings is equal to the number of monomials in the polynomial det(A), and is also.

the fact that all claw-free connected graphs of even order have perfect matchings, the discovery of polynomial time algorithms for finding maximum independent.

"Rainbow matchings and partial transversals of Latin squares".


coincide, harmonize, parallel, harmonise, duplicate, fit, beseem, consort, check, correspond, gibe, concord, pattern, tally, accord, meet, corroborate, fit in, equal, resemble, check out, square, agree, conform to, befit, rime, suit, twin, support, homologize, consist, answer, jibe, bear out, rhyme, correlate, underpin, be, adhere, align, look,


disagree, differ, agree, suffer, converge,

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