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mannerism Meaning in marathi ( mannerism शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

व्यवहार, अवैध सावकारी, खास शैली,


विशेष विभाग, प्रकार,

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mannerism मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

भारतीय रेल्वेच्या खास शैलीपेक्षा त्याची संस्थाकृत बांधणी अगदी वेगळी होती.

या कादंबरीने ग्रामीण वास्तव आपल्या खास शैलीत टिपणारे कादंबरीकार म्हणून त्यांना मान्यता मिळवून दिली.

त्यांच्याकडे घरगुती साडी नेसण्याची एक खास शैली आहे जी एक बंगाली ओळख आहे.

बेगम अख्तर यांच्या गायकीच्या ढंगाचा अभ्यास करून सुहासिनीबाईंनी स्वतःची एक खास शैली विकसित केली.

ताराबाई शिंदे यांनी स्त्रीचे विविध स्तरावर होणारे शोषण, पुरुषसंस्कृतीची वर्चस्व राखण्याची रानटी वृत्ती यावर त्यांनी आपल्या खास शैलीत प्रहार केले.

ुढे निरनिराळ्या वृत्तपत्रांतून व नियतकालिकांमधून त्यांनी त्यांच्या खास शैलीमध्ये हिंदी चित्रपटसृष्टीच्या सुवर्णकाळाचा जागर केला.

२०१७ विश्वचषकात पूनमच्या "गुगली"ने फलंदाज चकित होऊ लागल्या आणि लवकरच तीच तिची खास शैली बनली.

mannerism's Usage Examples:

Variety thought it was a beautifully crafted film with flawless performances and many splendid moments, yet the overall effect is a bit disappointing and added, While the day-to-day details are drawn with a striking clarity, Ephron's script never goes much beyond the mannerisms of middle-class life.

While imitation of Bhaktivedanta Swami was criticised, despite these warnings, specifically by Satsvarupa dasa Goswami, such imitation sometimes resulted in curious side-effects and many devotees adopted Bhaktivedanta Swami's mannerisms.

The music video for the single features Lady Sovereign mocking stereotypical ideals of femininity by satirizing popular dress and mannerisms.

mimic is a performer whose act consists of imitating sounds, voices and mannerisms of celebrities and cartoon characters.

He helped Zag adopt the personality and mannerisms of the Rag Doll and sent him to kill the extortionists.

Although the label is used by and reserved almost exclusively for gay and bisexual men, it may also be used to describe a lesbian or bisexual woman exhibiting a feminine appearance and mannerisms.

Emulating the ancient asog shamans, he dressed in women's clothing and assumed feminine mannerisms even though he was married to a woman.

These attitudes, mannerisms, tastes, moral intuitions and habits have.

His speaking mannerisms suggest a childlike intelligence and naivety.

Another explanation is that the ⟨c⟩ comes from a mannerism in High German officialese of writing unnecessary letters, a so-called Letternhäufelung (lit.

theory about brontosauruses due to her bizarre mannerisms, which include circumlocution, repetition, and obnoxious, noisy throat-clearing.

assigned male at birth individuals who adopt the clothing, work, and mannerisms that Lakota culture usually considers feminine.

mannerism art, exhibition dedicated to Czech history, Toy Museum and the picture gallery of Prague Castle, based on the collection of Rudolph II.


foible, idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, speciality, specialty, specialness, distinctiveness,


intolerance, respect, reverence, unaffected, affected,

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