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lured Meaning in marathi ( lured शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

प्रलोभन, परीक्षा, पाटण,


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lured मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सीए इंटरमिजिएट परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण झाल्यानंतर, त्याने क्रिकेटला पुढे चालवता यावे यासाठी त्याने शिक्षण सोडून देण्याचे ठरवले आणि फायनान्समधील मास्टर ऑफ बिझनेस अॅडमिनिस्ट्रेशनमध्ये नावनोंदणी करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला.

पहाणी फक्त शितावरुन भाताची परीक्षा या सिध्दान्ताला धरुन केली जाते.

बरर्नीच्या मते तो तर्काच्या व बुद्धीच्या कसोटीवर परीक्षा घेतल्याशिवाय तो कोणत्याही इस्लामी कायद्याचा कायदांचा स्वीकार करीत नसे.

नागरी सेवेच्या करिअरची निवड करत त्यांनी नागरी सेवा परीक्षा (आय ए एस.

त्यांना भागोजी आवडला, पण त्यापूर्वी त्यांनी भागोजीची परीक्षा घेतली.

इंदूरमधून ही परीक्षा पास होणाऱ्या त्या पहिल्या होत्या.

मनसे व शिवसेनेने या पश्चिम रेल्वेच्या भरतीसाठी बिहारी परीक्षार्थींचीच का निवड करण्यात आली, तसेच महाराष्ट्रातील वर्तमानपत्रात परीक्षेची जाहिरात न देण्यास कारण काय? "महाराष्ट्रातील मराठी वर्तमानपत्रांतून जाहिराती न देण्याचे धोरण फार पूर्वीपासून आहे” असे लालूप्रसाद यादव यांनी ठणकावून सांगितले.

ची परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण झाल्या आहेत.

राजसभेत येणाऱ्या नवनव्या पंडितांची परीक्षा घेण्याचे कामही पेद्दनाकडे असे.

ही कायद्याची परीक्षा ते उत्तीर्ण झाले .

वयाच्या सहाव्या वर्षी तिने संगीताची पहिली परीक्षा दिली.

IPS : IPS (भारतीय टपाल सेवा) परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण, १९५८.

त्या कॉलेजमधून १८९४साली मॅट्रिकची परीक्षा दिल्यावर ते अलाहाबादच्या म्यूर कॉलेजातून इ.

lured's Usage Examples:

Eco-tourismTalibon for years has its share of foreign and domestic tourists who were lured to the town for its unexploited beaches, fresh seafood such as crabs and prawns, friendliness of the people and the general atmosphere of peace and order in the town and the neighboring barrios.

In the 1950s, she was lured into baseball and in 1957 she was Canada's first female baseball umpire.

naive woman from the East, who has been lured West by the promise of a waitressing job which turns out to be in a brothel.

Under the old common law, the plaintiff (either the child, or a parent suing on the child's behalf) had to show that it was the hazardous condition itself which lured the child onto the landowner's property.

On 28 August 1984, after Elisabeth turned 18, Fritzl lured her into the basement of the family home, saying he needed help carrying a door.

"falling from the grace of the faith" which means that he was probably allured by the Ottomans to convert to Islam.

The strongly anti-communist New York Journal-American described Bentley as a shapely blonde and blue-eyed New Yorker who lured secrets from her sources, while A.

The eunuch faction lured He Jin into a trap in the imperial palace and assassinated him.

The tourists' bowlers lured the county batsmen into playing odd strokes to loose balls, but not Bilal Shafayat, who made 76 before mistiming one off left-arm spinner Enamul Haque.

whom he lured with his stirring sermons, masculine charm, and rugged handsomeness.

1936, when, after many debates about its attribution, the painting was lured out of Nazi Germany by "canny English dealers".

A 17th-century law in Massachusetts announced that women would be subjected to the same treatment as witches if they lured men into marriage via the use of high-heeled shoes.

embrittlement of the surface through the introduction of oxide phases, promoting crack formation and fatigue failuredepletion of key alloying elements, affecting the mechanical properties of the superalloy and possibly compromising its performance.


call, tempt, bait, tweedle, decoy, lead on, snare, provoke, seduce, stool, stimulate, entice, hook,


free, contraindicate, put option, cause to sleep, demobilize,

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