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loos Meaning in marathi ( loos शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


ब्रिटनमधील एक शौचालय,

loos मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

रस्त्याच्या बाजूला मोरी व तिला लागून स्नानगृह बांधीत.

स्नानगृहाचे वापरलेले पाणी बाहेर सोडण्याची व शुद्ध पाणी आत आणण्याची व्यवस्था केलेली होती.

जगभरातील वलयांकित व्यक्ती औषधी पाण्याच्या या तुषारस्नानगृहाला भेटी देऊ लागल्या.

९)सामुहिक स्नानगृहे इत्यादी .

हडप्पा संस्कृतीत सार्वजनिक स्नानगृहे होती.

मोहनजोदडो येथे एका भव्य स्नानगृहाचे अवशेष सापडले.

पाश्चात्य देशांमध्ये, मास्टर बेडरुम्स नावाच्या काही मोठ्या शयनकक्षांमध्ये स्नानगृह देखील असू शकते.

हॉटेलमध्ये वापरण्यात आलेली सामुग्री – पंखे, जिने, स्नानगृह, वगैरे प्रथमच अमेरिका, जर्मनी, तुर्कस्तान अशा विविध देशांमधून मागविण्यात आलेली होती.

या स्नानगृहात वापरलेले सांडपाणी बाहेर सोडण्याची व शुद्ध पाणी आत आणण्याची व्यवस्था केलेली होती.

घरे, तटबंदी, सांडपाण्याची व्यवस्था, प्रचंड इमारती, स्नानगृहे, धान्याची कोठारे,जहाजाची गोदी इत्यादी घटक पाहता हडप्पाकालीन संस्कृतीच्या प्रगत स्थापत्याची कल्पना येते.

या स्नानगृहाची लांबी १२ मीटर, रुंदी ७ मीटर आणि खोली २.

घरातील सदस्य एका लहानशा जंगलाच्या घरात प्रवेश करतील ज्यामध्ये पहिले 3 आठवडे लहान स्वयंपाकघर राहील, बेड आणि सोफा आणि स्नानगृह नाही.

हमामखाना : हमामखाना म्हणजे मुसलमानी सत्ताधीशांनी बांधलेले शाही स्नानगृह होय.

loos's Usage Examples:

Retinger, with his connections in Holland, Belgium, and Switzerland (he was a friend of Denis de Rougemont), took his cue from Winston Churchill's 1947 Zurich speech and found fertile ground with thirteen British Conservative members of Parliament who backed the idea of a loose European association of states.

wave of loosely-linked writers dubbed The Off-Beat Generation have been blitzing the net with stories and poems via MySpace and supportive sites such as.

into a different shape when tightened, a process known as capsizing, with the degree of capsizing depending on the looseness of the weave.

The almost impenetrable igloos were British in design and were intended.

Similar harmonic 1x is caused by misalignment and looseness.

their second goal when Canning scooped up a loose ball near the square and flicked a one-handed stick pass into the unmarked Niall Healy who batted home.

She also starred as the lead role of Abby McCarthy in the Bravo series Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce, an hour-long comedy-drama loosely based on the book series by Vicki Iovine and which premiered on December 2, 2014.

sent their wood in easily manageable raft units, but illegal lumbermen cunningly sent loose timber, complicating the sorting process and angering officials.

Manual (known before 2018 as the United States Attorneys" Manual) is a looseleaf text designed as a quick and ready reference for United States Attorneys.

The first stone walls were constructed by farmers and primitive people by piling loose field stones into a dry stone wall.

Ultimately, and to Mark and Linda's surprise, the boys decide to immediately make snow igloos (indicating that they do not care about their parents' traumatic ordeal since the problem had seemed to resolve itself and as if the events of the past ten days never happened).

loosened gate, And the groping wretch whom sleety fogs On the trackless moor belate.

The moat section to the south was known as the Pflaumengrund (loosely, plumb orchard).

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