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liberatory Meaning in marathi ( liberatory शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मुक्ती देणारा


मुक्ती देणारा, सोडवणारा,

liberatory मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ही गाठ सोडवणारा आशियाचा सम्राट बनेल असे भाकित वर्तवण्यात आले होते.

आणि तरी जर आपण आम्हाला शिक्षा करणार असाल तर मग आम्ही कोणाचा बरे धावा करावा? हे प्रभो आपल्या शिवाय आम्हाला दुसरा कोणी तरी सोडवणारा आहे कां? त्यामुळे आपणच आम्हाला तारणारे आहात तेंव्हा कृपया शांत व्हा आणि आमच्या चित्ताला शांत करा.

या आख्यायिकेनुसार ही गाठ सोडवणारा मनुष्य आशियाचा राजा बनेल असे भाकित वर्तवले गेले होते.

liberatory's Usage Examples:

group practice an overidentification with the hidden perverse enjoyment undergirding authority that produces a subversive and liberatory effect.

father reluctant to educate his son, a mother who fiercely believes in its liberatory value, and the son who is caught in the crossfire.

While antifeminists articulated a nostalgic yearning for the pre-urban, pre-industrial traditional village, the profeminist position was articulated with a belief in modernity's liberatory potential.

Jenkins from Socialist Review says that Bloch "argues that there are liberatory, "atheist" elements within Christianity with which socialists should make.

urgently needed dialogue on the crucial question of developing a new liberatory social project, at a moment in History when the Left has abandoned this.

radical thesis provoked controversy for being utopian in its faith in the liberatory potential of technology.

Freedom U"s liberatory curriculum emphasizes dialogue, participatory decision-making, and understanding.

Collins" work also proposes a liberatory politics for black Americans, centered on honest dialogue about the way.

These liberatory attempts at the democratization of classrooms demonstrate a growth in liberatory education.

gender, and an argument for why the erosion of binary gender will be liberatory.

liberatory education agenda of the past 30 years”.

The name is derived from the liberatory name given to those who supported the anti-apartheid struggle in Sekhukhuneland.

Such hostile depictions of the pre-Islamic political order are a necessary complement to the ideology of futūḥ: in order for the Muslim conquests to be seen as liberatory, the social orders which they replaced had to be depicted as negatively as possible.

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