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libation Meaning in marathi ( libation शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मुक्ती, तर्पण,



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libation मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

काळे तिळाचा वापरही धार्मिक कार्याततर्पण होतो.

पितरांच्या आत्म्याचा उद्धार पुत्राच्या पिंडदानाने आणि तर्पणानेच होते, या धार्मिक विश्वासाने पण विवाहाला हिंदू धर्मामध्ये विवाह हे धार्मिक कर्तव्य सांगितले आहे.

या ठिकाणी श्राद्ध, पितृतर्पण व यज्ञकर्मे केली जातात.

ऋषितर्पण (मराठी इतिहासाच्या अभ्यासकांचे व्यक्तिदर्शन) (२०१४).

या दिवशी श्राद्ध, तर्पण, दान, जप इ.

पिंडदान करून तिलतर्पण करावें .

त्यामुळे धर्माचरण म्हणजे दैनंदिन आंघोळ, संध्या, जप, तर्पण यासारख्या गोष्टी प्राचीन कालापासून नदीच्या किनारीच होऊ लागल्या.

( नेत्र तर्पण, सेक, इ.

लोक नेहमी शस्त्रांनी सज्जित असायचे म्हणून त्यांच्या वर आक्रमण करने आणि त्यांना हरविने सोपे नव्हते परंतु एका वर्षात फक्त एकदा, दिवाळीच्या दिवशी ते येथे बनलेल्या कुण्डात आपल्या शस्त्राना काढून वेगळे ठेऊन देत होते आणि स्नान एवं पितृ-तर्पण करत.

पितरांचें संतर्पण करणारांत उत्तम कोण?.

लक्ष्मणसेनाच्या बाराव्या शतकातील तर्पणदिघी लेखात नेपाळी हूक एका आड एक अक्षरांवर दिसून येतात.

libation's Usage Examples:

His vases served as grave markers and libation receptacles for aristocratic graves and as such are decorated with a depiction of.

Some other objects, such as libation vessels and sistra, were also shaped like the sign.

held in the palm, the thumb could be placed on the raised centre without profaning the libation, as it is poured into the focus, or sacred fire.

after one of the Horae (Hours), which presided over the seventh hour (libations poured after lunch).

She was propitiated by libations poured with the left hand.

The presiding Roman consul offered a libation of milk, and conducted the sacrifice of a pure white heifer that had never.

The tradition has evolved from offering oblations and libations into sacred fire to symbolic offerings in the presence of sacred fire.

as a spot for the residents of the nearby town of Fort Collins to buy libations.

Graveside rituals included libations and a meal, since food and broken cups are also found at tombs.

ceremonies—including sacrifice and libation, they also heal the living, physically and spiritually.

Since 2007, ginger wine has also been sold under the name "ginger libation" by a producer in Massachusetts, with the addition of pineapple and citrus.

criminal behavior in the living, but could sometimes be appeased by funeral repasts or libations.

In ancient Greece, such libations most commonly consisted of watered down wine, but also sometimes of pure.




dishonor, abstain, bad luck, misfortune,

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