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legal holiday Meaning in marathi ( legal holiday शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

कायदेशीर सुट्टी


कायदेशीर सुट्टी,

legal holiday's Usage Examples:

The Monday after Pentecost is a legal holiday in many European countries.

Defenders Day is a longtime legal holiday on September 12, in the U.

Indiana Day is a legal holiday in the state of Indiana, United States, commemorating the state"s 1816 admission to the Union.

Seward"s Day is a legal holiday in the U.

now officially begins with Western Christmas on 25 December, now a legal holiday in the Republic of Moldova.

1815, (later observed annually as Defenders Day, a city/county/state legal holiday) and completed in 1822, seven years later.

Despite Canadian Thanksgiving being a legal holiday in the United States (as Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples" Day), none.

Yap Day is a legal holiday in Yap State, one of the four states of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), held annually on March 1.

Berkeley, California are two places where Malcolm X is honored by a legal holiday with offices closed, whereas Missouri honors Rosa Parks on her birthday.

Bill C-369, which sought to make National Indigenous Peoples Day a legal holiday.

state of California has also made this day a legal holiday as of 2014.

Maryland Day is a legal holiday in the U.

Statehood Day or Admission Day is a legal holiday in the state of Hawaii in the United States.


Christmas Day, Victoria Day, New Year's, Memorial Day, 14 July, Labor Day, Decoration Day, New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Dominion Day, Boxing Day, Columbus Day, Armistice Day, holiday, bank holiday, Commonwealth Day, October 12, public holiday, Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday, Empire day, Christmas, July 1, November 11, Martin Luther King Day, Dec 25, Veterans Day, Presidents' Day, Xmas, Thanksgiving, Veterans' Day, Independence Day, national holiday, Discovery Day, Fourth of July, January 1, Bastille Day, July 4, May 24,


day, night, time off, work time, overspend,

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