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layering Meaning in marathi ( layering शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

लेयरिंग, स्तरीकरण,


थर, पल्ला, ताण, पडदा, पोली, फॉइल, संस्थापक, लेप, पातळी, थोर, मुक्काम, अंडाशय,



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layering मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यांना सहभागी करून घेण्यामध्येच आर्य समाजाच्या स्तरीकरणास सुरुवात झाली.

दलित साहित्य सभ्यता म्हणजे शहरी विकास, सांस्कृतिक अभिमानाद्वारे लावलेले सामाजिक स्तरीकरण, संवादाचे सिग्नल तंत्र (उदाहरणार्थ लेखन) आणि नैसर्गिक पर्यावरणातून वेगळे व वर्चस्व असणे यासर्वान्वरुन बनलेला एक जटिल समाज.

•कलेच्या बाबतीत एखाद्या कलात्मक निर्मितीचे आस्वादक वृत्तीने केलेले तटस्थ अनुभवग्रहण,त्यावरील बहुआयामी चिंतन,त्याआधारे त्या कलाकृतीचे विवरण,परीक्षण,विश्लेषण,आस्वादन,स्तरीकरण आणि मूल्यांकन करणे म्हणजे समीक्षा होय.

जाती व्यवस्था दोन भिन्न संकल्पनांपासून बनलेली आहे, वर्ण व्यवस्था आणि जाती व्यवस्था वास्तविक पहाता ह्या सामाजिक स्तरीकरणाच्या विश्लेषणासाठी वापरण्यात येणाऱ्या दोन वेगवेगळ्या पद्धती आहेत.

जात ही अशी स्तरीकरणाची व्यवस्था आहे, ज्याच्या सदस्यत्वासाठी त्या स्तरित गटातच जन्म घेणे आवश्यक आहे.

मानववंश शास्त्रज्ञ लुईस ड्युमों यांनी प्रतिपादन केल्याप्रमाणे, ज्ञाती ह्या व्यवस्थेमध्ये कर्मकांडाधारित स्तरीकरण असते आणि त्या स्तरीकरणाचे मूळ शुद्धता आणि प्रदूषण/बाटणे ह्यांसारख्या धार्मिक संकल्पनांमध्ये आहे.

layering's Usage Examples:

They were looking for layering in the wall of the Rille, which could help geologists to find if the lava flows that had filled Palus Putredinis came in one go or over time.

They scaled back from 48-track to 24-track recording, condensing the layering of guitar in the process, and employed more full-ensemble straight live track, partly with the mindset of making it easier to play the guitar lines live.

of the album"s sound and production, "Where Saadiq"s previous efforts luxuriated in the layering and the fine-tuning made possible by modern recording.

Their sound has been described as "a darker, moodier take on traditional synth-pop," layering "familiar, warm Juno synthesizer.

a layered mafic intrusion which exhibits exceptionally well-developed cumulate layering.

In geology, cross-bedding, also known as cross-stratification, is layering within a stratum and at an angle to the main bedding plane.

Mudstone is distinguished from shale by its lack of fissility (parallel layering).

sciences: Stable and unstable stratification Stratification, or stratum, the layering of rocks Stratification (archeology), the formation of layers (strata).

(called prutyk) and this special "layerings" technique to create both the openwork "net" and the design of embroidering threads upon the "withdrawn" part.

Vines can also be propagated by grafting a new plant vine upon existing rootstock or by layering one.

rubraand the cultivar ‘Atlantic’have gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden MeritPropagationPropagation can be done via seed, layering, or cutting.

oxyhydroxide-cemented, poorly sorted breccias with massive to minor layering subparallel to hillslopes; iron spring and bog deposits with few or no clasts, exhibiting.

may also contain layerings or mixtures that include nuts, fruit, caramel, nougat, and wafers.


course, lift, tier, interlayer, laminate, artifact, row, backing, blanket, mount, ply, wall, artefact, overlay, cushion, bed,


connect, middle, beginning, misconception, natural object,

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