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law court Meaning in marathi ( law court शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

न्यायालय, कोर्ट, न्यायाधिकरण,


न्यायाधिकरण, कोर्ट, न्यायालय,

law court मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

दिनांक :- २७ फेब्रुवारी २०१७                         लेखक - प्रशांत कुलकर्णी , पीठासीन अधिकारी,  शाळा न्यायाधिकरण अमरावती                      .

४८ लक्ष शंकास्पद मतदार आणि त्यांचे वारस आणि असे व्यक्ती ज्याचे संदर्भ परराष्ट्र तंटा न्यायाधिकरणात प्रलंबित आहेत अश्यांना यातून वगळण्यात आले होते.

महाराष्ट्र प्रशासकीय न्यायाधिकरण.

यां आदेशाविरुद्ध येळेगावकरांनी विद्यापीठ व महाविद्यालय न्यायाधिकरणाकडे अपील केले.

ऋण वसुली न्यायाधिकरणाकडून कर्जवसुलीसाठी मालमत्ता जप्तीचे आदेश.

ज्येष्ठ नागरिक यांना त्यांचे परिपोषणाबद्दल अथवा निर्वाहभत्याबाबत काही तक्रार असल्यास, ती प्रत्येक संबंधीत जिल्ह्याचे सहाय्यक आयुक्त, समाजकल्याण किंवा संबंधीत जिल्ह्याचे उपविभागीय अधिकारी (महसूल) तसेच ज्येष्ठ नागरिक न्यायाधिकरण यांचेकडे अर्जाद्वारे ती तक्रार दाखल करता येते.

या अधिनियमान्वये महसूल अधिनियम १८७९ व महसूल न्यायाधिकरण अधिनियम १९५७ हे व इतर काही आनुषंगिक कायदे संपुष्टात आणले असून, त्यांमधील महसूल अधिनियम व न्यायाधिकरण यासंबंधीचे नियम जमीन महसूल अधिनियम १९६६ मध्ये सुधारणा करून अंतर्भूत केले आहेत.

ज्येष्ठ नागरिकांच्या तक्रारींची दखल घेण्यासाठी महाराष्ट्र शासनाने एक "ज्येष्ठ नागरिक न्यायाधिकरण" स्थापन केले आहे.

सीमा शुल्क, अबकारी शुल्क व सेवा कर अपील न्यायाधिकरण.

महाराष्ट्र महसूल न्यायाधिकरण.

ऐकण्याचा हक्कः हे सुनिश्चित करणे की ग्राहकांचे हितसंबंध सरकारी धोरण तयार करताना आणि त्याच्या प्रशासकीय न्यायाधिकरणांमध्ये वाजवी आणि त्वरित वागणूक देण्यात पूर्ण आणि.

तहसीलदार तथा तालुका कार्यकारी दंडाधिकारी तथा तालुका शेतजमीन न्यायाधिकरण असेही म्हणतात.

law court's Usage Examples:

This was also a time of great judicial success for the Serjeants; since only Serjeants could be appointed to the common law courts, many also sat in the Exchequer of Pleas, a court of equity.

Trial of SocratesDuring the first three hours of trial, Meletus and the other two accusers each stood in the law court in the center of Athens to deliver previously crafted speeches to the jury against Socrates.

His house was remodelled and readdressed as 16 Parliament Square following the rebuilding of the law courts in.

Only Serjeants-at-Law could become judges of the common law courts; this rule came into being in the 14th century for the Courts of Common Pleas and King's Bench, and was extended to the Exchequer of Pleas in the 16th century; it did not apply to the Court of Chancery, a court of equity, or the Ecclesiastical Courts.

measures promoting English as the language of administration and of the higher law courts (instead of Persian, as under the Mughal Empire), this led eventually.

apply a far wider range of remedies than common law courts, such as specific performance and injunctions, and had some power to grant damages in special circumstances.

On 17 May 1919, the first of the Republican law courts were set up in Ballinrobe.

(Spanish: Real Audiencia de Santiago) was an Audiencia Real or royal law court that functioned in Santiago de Chile during the Spanish colonial period.

At the same time they had rights of audience in the other central common law courts (the Court of King's Bench and Exchequer of Pleas) and precedence over all other lawyers.

His status in context of his claim for compensation for property seized in Poland was debated in Parliament and the law courts until 1961.

the Common Bench or Common Place, which was the second-highest common law court in the English legal system until 1875, when it, along with the other.

is, a common law court looks to past precedential decisions of relevant courts, and synthesizes the principles of those past cases as applicable to the.

The Manciple, a purchasing agent for a law court, tells a fable about Phoebus Apollo and his pet crow.


chancery, court of assize and nisi prius, court of appeals, court of chancery, moot court, high court, Rota, assembly, court of domestic relations, court of assize, inferior court, appellate court, quarter sessions, Bench, tribunal, criminal court, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, lower court, military court, appeals court, kangaroo court, World Court, domestic relations court, police court, divorce court, assizes, state supreme court, trial court, superior court, supreme court, court of law, federal court, Star Chamber, traffic court, judicature, court of justice, lawcourt, probate court, F.I.S.C., jury, Inquisition, International Court of Justice, juvenile court, consistory, family court,


rest, buy, activity, inactivity, overact,

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