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later on Meaning in marathi ( later on शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मागे, पुढच्या वेळेस, नंतर,



later on मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

त्यानंतरच्या दोन कसोटी सामन्यांच्या मलिकेत त्याने एका शतकाच्या आणि एका अर्धशतकाच्या जोरावर १२२ च्या सरासरीने २४४ धावा केल्या.

या अध्यायात श्रीरामांच्या राज्याभिषेकानंतरच्या काळात रामाकडे आलेल्या जुळी मुले लव कुश यांची कथा आहे.

१९८० नंतरचे मराठी साहित्य : स्वरूप आणि समीक्षा (अरुणा प्रकाशन, लातूर - २०१२).

त्यानंतर त्यात आनखी दोन कंपनीची भर पडली.

दुसऱ्या महायुद्धानंतर १९४८ मध्ये युरोपमधीमधील अशक्त राष्ट्रांना उभारण्यासाठी ऑरगनायझेशन फॉर युरोपियन इकॉनॉमिक को-ऑपरेशन नावाची संघटना उभारण्यात आली होती ,१० सप्टेंबर १९६१ ला तिचे नाव ऑरगनायझेशन फॉर इकॉनॉमिक को-ऑपरेशन ऍण्ड डेव्हलपमेंट असे करण्यात आले.

रोगग्रस्त जनावरांच्या जखमांवर बसल्यानंतर झालेला जंतुसंसर्ग ती तिच्या पायांद्वारे दुसऱ्या गुरांकडे नेते.

आपआपसातील यादवीमुळे यदुवंशाचा नाश झाल्यानंतर बलराम समुद्रकिनारी आसन लावून बसला आणि त्याने आपला अवतार संपवला.

झी मराठी नंतर वर्ष २००० मध्ये आणखी एक मराठी मनोरंजन वाहिनी प्रेक्षकांच्या सेवेत दाखल झाली ती ई टीव्ही मराठी.

असे करत असताना बाबांनी पहिल्यांदा काही ठोसे लगावले, पण नंतर इंग्रजही बाबांना मारू लागले.

महाराष्ट्री भाषा, (जी नंतर आधुनिक मराठी भाषेत रूपांतरित झाली) सातवाहनांची राजभाषा होती.

नवबौद्ध चळवळीनंतर महाराष्ट्रासह देशातील विविध राज्यात अनेक सामुदायिक धर्मांतरे झाली आणि आजही ती मोठ्या प्रमाणावर होत आहेत.

विश्वचषकानंतर द्रविडच्या कामगिरीत पुन्हा एकदा घसरण झाली.

later on's Usage Examples:

It was reused by him years later once he had an idea about "two schnooks on Broadway who set out to produce a flop and swindle the backers.

Attempts to order Coke (later Pepsi) were invariably met with the retort, "No Coke! Pepsi!" (or later on, "No Pepsi! Coke!").

During his years on the bench, Begbie traveled throughout British Columbia, on foot and later on horseback administering justice in sometimes informal circumstances but he is said to have always worn his judicial robes and wig when court was in session.

later on also found in Siberia and in South Africa in soil and in wood hydrolysates.

Diehl was implicated in several Cowboy criminal activities later on.

However, the league suspended operations March 12, 2008 (permanently, as things later developed, although only a delay was announced at the time), and Kelly signed with the Georgia Force two weeks later on March 26, 2008, but never actually participated in any games as an active player for the Force.

Percy died only exactly two weeks later on at age 105 and Florence died almost two years afterwards at age 102.

A similar model was released later on, identical to the previous figurine except with her giving a thumbs down gesture and darker colors.

Three weeks later on August 9, Tribune announced it would terminate the Sinclair deal, intending to seek other M"A opportunities.

Three days later on SmackDown!, The New Age Outlaws reunited and challenged Rock 'n' Sock Connection for the titles, which The Outlaws won.

WBT made its first broadcast four days later on March 22.

The divorce was finalized several weeks later on 17 August.

transferred Unchahar Thermal Power Station to NTPC Limited against payment overdue and later on renamed it to Feroze Gandhi Unchahar Thermal Power Plant by.


afterward, later, afterwards, subsequently, after,


antecedent, early, fore,

later on's Meaning in Other Sites