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labourer Meaning in marathi ( labourer शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

एक्झिक्युटर, कामगार, श्रम, खेतेल, मजूर, जॉन, कुली,


एक्झिक्युटर, कामगार, श्रम, खेतेल, मजूर, जॉन, कुली,

labourer मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अनुकंपा तत्वावर मिळालेल्या नोकऱ्या आणि तसे नियम आणि करार हेसुद्धा याच कामगार संघटनांच्या आंदोलनांमुळे झालेले आहेत.

देशपांडे यांनी जोतिबा फुले यांच्यावर लिहिलेल्या 'सत्यशोधक' या नाटकाची पुणे महापालिकेच्या कामगार रंगभूमीसाठी निर्मिती मुक्ता मनोहर यांनी केली आहे.

कमी वेतनात जास्त वेळ कामगारांना राबवून घेतले जाऊ लागले.

इथला विडी कामगार राजकीयदृष्ट्या जागरुक आणि चळवळीत नेहमीच आघाडीवर.

पुणे पोस्ट्स टेलिकॉम सोसायटीच्या वतीने 'गुणवंत कामगार पुरस्कार'.

एकूण कामगार – १,२४० (पुरुष - ६३१ व स्त्रिया - ६०९).

टी रणदिवे ऑन ट्रेड युनियन मूव्हमेंट (विषय : भारतातील कामगार संघटनांचे कार्य).

रेक्झर Analytics डेटा खाण कामगार सर्वेक्षण (2007-2015) [3 9].

चालकासमवेत एक कामगार असल्यासही हे धोके बरेच कमी होतात.

ऑक्टोबर १३ रोजी पॅरामेडिक्स खाणीत पोहोचले व ३३पैकी पहिल्या कामगार, फ्लोरेन्सियो आल्विरो यास बाहेर काढण्यात यश आले.

त्यांना महाराष्ट्र सरकारचा गुणवंत कामगार पुरस्कारही मिळाला आहे.

आंबेडकर व्हाईसरॉयच्या कार्यकारी परिषदेमध्ये कामगार मंत्री होते.

जोतीराव फुले बॉंबे मिल हॅंड्‌स असोसिएशन ही ब्रिटिश भारतातील मुंबईत कामगारांना न्याय मिळवून देणासाठी व त्यांचे हक्क अबाधित ठेवण्यासाठी स्थापली गेलेली गिरणी कामगार संघटना होती.

labourer's Usage Examples:

protective overgarment, including labourers" smock-frocks and children"s pinafores.

working environment they deemed unsatisfactory, and helped to figuratively enmesh the roles of management and the labourers into a collective entity.

with its active citizens, merchants, mechanicks, labourers, beggars and promenaders, together with ships, boats, "c.

Today many of these castes are landless labourers.

Although Gås-Anders made his living by working as a day labourer at the farms around Björklige, he was known as a poor worker who usually.

worked on the line (including 250,000 Asian labourers and 61,000 Allied POWs) about 90,000 of the labourers and about 16,000 Allied prisoners died.

large-scale slavery-like trade in Asian (primarily Indian and Chinese) indentured labourers began in the 1820s to fill this vacuum.

Of 1838 workers engaged in main work, 427 were cultivators (owner or co-owner) while 610 were agricultural labourers.

His subject of study has included peons, labourers, proletarians, child huachos and women.

illegal immigrant labourers were drowned by an incoming tide after picking cockles off the Lancashire coast.

About 12 million forced labourers, most of whom were Poles and Soviet citizens (Ost-Arbeiter) were employed.

a Wirrangu-Irish man, Ernest Roy Wilson, who worked as a labourer and fettler, and played Australian rules football.

It was formed mainly by lower caste (middle and lower class) peasantry and landless labourers.


agricultural labourer, miner, sprayer, woodcutter, sawyer, lumberman, manual laborer, hewer, hand, navvy, hired hand, workman, dock-walloper, jack, laborer, steeplejack, drudge, stacker, logger, digger, dockhand, stoker, day laborer, dishwasher, rail-splitter, cleaner, mule driver, day labourer, longshoreman, gipsy, loader, section hand, itinerant, working person, mineworker, splitter, yardman, mule skinner, faller, gravedigger, workingman, galley slave, working man, peon, porter, wrecker, skinner, lumper, tracklayer, hod carrier, fireman, lumberjack, feller, muleteer, bracero, dock worker, dockworker, stevedore, gandy dancer, hired man, platelayer, agricultural laborer, docker, gypsy, hodman,


nonworker, lumper, employer, splitter, female,

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