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laborer Meaning in marathi ( laborer शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मजूर, श्रम,

कोणी हाताने काम करतो, कोणी अंगमेहनतीत गुंतलेले,


एक्झिक्युटर, कामगार, श्रम, खेतेल, मजूर, जॉन, कुली,

laborer मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

रमाबाई रानडे म्हणजे पूर्वाश्रमीच्या यमुनाबाई कुर्लेकर.

उत्तम वाचन, अभ्यासपूर्ण युक्तिवाद, सामाजिक भान ठेऊन राजकारणाचे गणित ओळखणे व ते इतरांना समाजावून देणे या गोष्टी शैलाबाई वडिलांकडून शिकल्या, तर आईकडून त्यांना अपार श्रमाचा वारसा मिळाला.

महाभारत युद्धसमाप्तीनंतर कुंति राजसुखाची अपेक्षा न करता धृतराष्ट्र व गांधारी यांच्यासोबत वानप्रस्थाश्रमास निघून जाते.

वैदिक काळातील कुटुंब व्यवस्था, लोकजीवन, संस्कृती, आश्रम व्यवस्था, शिक्षण पद्धती ,राष्ट्र दर्शन ,तत्त्वज्ञान विषयक संकल्पना अशा विविध मुद्द्यांची माहिती आपल्याला वेदांमध्ये अभ्यासायला मिळते.

माहुली येथील स्वामी कृष्णानंद यांच्या आश्रमातील काही प्रौढ विद्यार्थी-शिवनामे, वि.

१९२१ साली त्यांनी काळाराम मंदिरासमोर पंचवटी "श्री रामनाम आधारश्रम" म्हणून स्थापन केलेली वस्तू आजही अस्तित्वात आहे.

सर्वात जवळील शासकीय अनाथाश्रम पणजी (२० किमी) येथे आहे.

शैलजादेवी वहिनीसाहेब प्रतिनिधी यांनी केलेला अनुवाद “सावित्री - एक आख्यायिका आणि एक प्रतीक”, श्रीअरविंद आश्रम, पुडुचेरी यांच्यातर्फे प्रकाशित झालेला आहे.

त्यावेळी त्यांच्या समर्थकांच्या समूहातून या आश्रमाची स्थापना करण्यात आली.

आनंद व्यक्त करणे, दिवसभराच्या श्रमानंतर संध्याकाळी एकत्र येऊन नृत्य गायनाने विरंगुळा आणि मनोरंजन करणे यातूनच लोकनृत्याचा जन्म झाला.

एक दिवस माधवाश्रम स्वामी पाचलेगावला आले.

laborer's Usage Examples:

In the Pacific Theater of World War II, Imperial Japanese forces used laborers to construct the Mergui Road to aid their retreat after rail line were destroyed by Allied bombings.

performing activist work with farm laborers, trying to help them take over unfarmed land on large estates in the area.

In fact, he saved his people from being sent to Burma to become romusha forced-laborers, by asking the Japanese to allow the building of a water canal (the Selokan Mataram).

He was one of eight children of a laborer.

A laborer over the course of an eight-hour day can sustain an average output of about 75 watts; higher power levels can be achieved for short intervals.

Many forros believed the government intended to force them to work as contract laborers, to which they objected.

reproductively inactive workers) function as laborers.

Coffee and sugar plantations produced tremendous wealth for France and its colonies, but the slave-laborers could not enjoy the fruits of their labor because they had few, if any, rights.

Argentine immigrant, created a partnership in 1883 for the manufacture of espadrilles (jute-soled canvas footwear favored by laborers for their comfort, durability.

Adding to Hitler's worries, German financial advisers warned the Nazi government that a mass exodus of Jewish laborers from the German workforce would badly damage Germany's economic stability.

The largest proportion (44%) were born in Ireland and migrated during the Great Irish Famine, first to Australia as laborers and then to California as part of the Gold Rush.

Jefferson used a combination of free workers, indentured servants and enslaved laborers.

The generousness on his part is hurtful to his fellow-laborers, for it compels them to an equal generousness which is not to their liking.


hodman, gypsy, docker, agricultural laborer, platelayer, hired man, gandy dancer, stevedore, dockworker, dock worker, bracero, muleteer, feller, lumberjack, fireman, hod carrier, tracklayer, lumper, skinner, wrecker, porter, peon, working man, galley slave, workingman, gravedigger, faller, mule skinner, yardman, splitter, mineworker, working person, itinerant, section hand, loader, gipsy, longshoreman, day labourer, mule driver, cleaner, rail-splitter, dishwasher, day laborer, stoker, labourer, dockhand, digger, logger, stacker, drudge, steeplejack, jack, dock-walloper, workman, hired hand, navvy, hand, hewer, manual laborer, lumberman, sawyer, woodcutter, sprayer, miner, agricultural labourer,


female, splitter, employer, lumper, nonworker,

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