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knows Meaning in marathi ( knows शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

माहीत आहे, चिनी, सावध व्हा, संभोग करणे, ओळखा, भेद करा, खातरजमा करण्यासाठी, परिचित असणे, माहित असणे,


चिनी, सावध व्हा, ओळखा, भेद करा, खातरजमा करण्यासाठी, परिचित असणे, माहित असणे,

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knows मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

Nianias, Helen (५ मार्च २०१५), "आंतरराष्ट्रीय महिला दिन: १० कार्यकर्त्यांबद्दल तुम्हाला माहित असणे आवश्यक आहे", स्वतंत्र.

त्याचबरोबर दुसऱ्याच रक्तगटाच्या व्यक्तीचं रक्त आपल्याला मिळाले तर अनेक अडचणी निर्माण होऊ शकतात त्या अडचणी होऊ न देण्यासाठी आपल्याला आपला रक्तगट माहित असणे गरजेचे असते.

पद्धतशीर नामकरण वापरण्यासाठी, एखाद्याला मूळ रचनांची रचना आणि त्यांची नावे माहित असणे आवश्यक आहे.

परंतु कधी-कधी अपघात व शस्रक्रिया यांमुळे अति रक्तस्त्राव होत असतो मग अश्यावेळी रक्ताची गरज भासते,अशावेळी आपल्याला तसेच आपल्या गरच्यांना स्वतःचा रक्तगट माहित असणे गरजेचे असते जेणेकरून गरजेच्या वेळी लवकरात लवकर आपल्याला मदत मिळेल.

knows's Usage Examples:

Daughter in the boxThe Daughter in the Box (Japanese name: hakoiri musume 箱入り娘) wood puzzle depicts an innocent young girl, who knows nothing of the world trapped in a building.

As he is taken to his cell, Linoge makes passing remarks at nearby townspeople, revealing he knows secrets about all of them.

Because no one knows who will choose the Ace or King, all players are involved in either winking or looking for a wink.

Sort of hobby and tells her she's the only one who knows he writes poetry.

Ask anyone who really knows me and they'll tell you that some of stuff that is said on the Internet doesn't accurately describe me, but people have an opinion and are entitled to express it.

Either pick the IRL contestant in the studio, or go with the URL contestant (in which The Picker only knows them from their selfie avatar, with the possibility of them being a catfish.

As he who casts his net into the water knows not what fishes he shall take, so the teacher casts the net of the divine word upon the people, not knowing who among them will come to God.

In the closing line, as the sailor drinks the drugged tea that will deliver him into the murderous hands of the children who plan to “tug” him back to the glory he has renounced, the narrator sardonically evokes the double entendre: “Glory, as anyone knows, is bitter stuff.

consumed by the car; for instance, he knows there are cigarettes in the glove compartment.

"So the fish knows it is dead and gone!" Food portal List of desserts Mahim halwa Barfi Clark, Melissa (March 24, 2004).

However, they soon realize he always knows their desired destination without being told.

Initially the only landmarks of i are 0 and 1 since the only thing the algorithm knows about partner i is that vi([0,1])1.

As in Ernst Mach"s phenomenalism, whereby the mind knows only actual or potential sensory experience.


recognise, cognize, agnize, realize, realise, keep track, agnise, cognise, recognize,


saddle, fuse, disarrange, lose track, ignore,

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