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knock off Meaning in marathi ( knock off शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

नॉक ऑफ, रद्द करा, कमी करणे, फेकणे, उलटा, कमी करा,

knock off मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

धातू : ॠ जाणें; कॄ इतस्तत: फेकणें; स्‍तॄ आच्छादणें.

नवजात शिशूंना उंचा वरून खाली फेकणे.

अशा जमिनीवर त्या भागात येणार्‍या गवतांचे बी फेकणे.

खेळाडूंचे उद्दिष्ट विरोधी संघाचे गोल गोलंदाजीत फेकणे असते.

भ्रातॄण(भावाचे कर्ज), पितॄण (पित्याचे कर्ज), धातू : ॠ जाणें; कॄ इतस्तत: फेकणें; स्‍तॄ आच्छादणें,.

बलात्कार, घरगुती हिंसाचार, लैंगिक छळ, असिड फेकणे, पुनरुत्पादक बळजबरी, स्त्री-बालहत्या, जन्मपूर्व लिंग निवड, प्रसूती हिंसा, ऑनलाइन लिंग-आधारित हिंसा आणि जमावटोळी हिंसा.

यात ट्रॅक आणि फील्डवरचे सात खेळ असतात, ज्यामध्ये धावणे, उड्या मारणे, झेप घेणे, फेकणे या सर्व क्रियांमध्ये कुठलीही तडजोड किंवा कमतरता राहता कामा नये.

येथे येणाऱ्या लोकांनी भिंतींवर लिहून ठेवणे, चित्रे काढणे, दगड उचलून फेकणे, असे अनेक प्रकारचे उत्पात केलेल आढळतात.

१९८२ मधील जन्म ॲसिड हल्ला (ॲसिड फेकणे) म्हणजे ॲसिड (आम्ल) अंगावर मुख्यत: चेहऱ्यावर फेकून केला जाणारा एक हिंसक व प्राणघातक हल्ला होय.

एसिड फेकणे या देशांशी तसेच कंबोडियासह दक्षिणपूर्व आशियामध्ये देखील संबंधित आहे.

knock off's Usage Examples:

of the same name, where patrons throw sticks or battens at a post to knock off a skittle balanced on top.

same name, where patrons throw sticks or battens at a post to knock off a skittle balanced on top.

Thereafter, Stewart was notoriously difficult to knock off the puck, and could even propel it into the net one-handed – sometimes by steadying himself on the crossbar with his other hand and much to the irritation of opposing goaltenders.

core becomes an exhausted core when there are no more useful angles to knock off blades.

#3 seeded South Carolina in 1998, and becoming the first #15 seed to knock off a #2 seed when the Spiders defeated Syracuse in 1991.

Although Rudge-Whitworth knock off hubs.

A record crowd of 13,559 watched the Adelaide 36ers knock off the Wildcats 106–102 on 16 January 2015; that was later bested on 14 January 2017 when 13,611 people watched the Wildcats once again lose to the 36ers, this time by a margin of 95–84.

hold the finished piece in transition from the knock off table to the annealer.

first-ever TV match, Duke defeated the legendary Earl Anthony, then went on to knock off three more previous Tour champions for the title.

Sally, after a pub game of the same name, where patrons throw sticks or battens at a post to knock off a skittle balanced on top.

Because of that TerrorDome match, Shark Boy was injured; he returned backstage on the July 17 episode of Impact! with Curry Man and Super Eric as part of a Justice League knock off, called The Prince Justice Brotherhood (a reference to Abyss' former name Prince Justice), where he got whipped by Beer Money, Inc.

The armourer was ordered into the box to knock off the remaining prisoners' leg irons and shackles; however, the ship sank before he had finished.

Medina then gave the cease-fire order to Charlie Company to knock off the killing.


neutralise, do in, neutralize, kill, liquidate, waste,


thicken, unbalance, fat, untidy, fancy,

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