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kick off Meaning in marathi ( kick off शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

किक ऑफ, मरतात, परलोकात जाण्यासाठी, उघड, मरणार,

kick off मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

आता त्यात ज्या औषधी असतात त्यांची फळे पक्व झाली की, त्या मरतात व त्यास पुष्कळ फुले व फळे येतात.

फाशी दिलेले गुन्हेगार ज्याप्रमाणे प्राणवायूच्या अभावी पाय झाडत मरतात, तशी अवस्था जनावरांची होत असल्याप्रमाणे यास असे नाव पडले असण्याची शक्यता आहे.

भारतातले सर्प्दंशामुळे मरण।ऱ्या लोकसंखेत 75% हून अधिक विष।ने मरन्यापेक्षा साप चावल्याच्या भितीने मरतात .

या प्रदूषणामुळे जमिनीखाली असलेले जीव जंतू मरतात.

माणूस आणि इतर असंख्य प्राणी यांचे डोके धडापासून वेगळे झाले, की ते जागीच मरतात.

औषधोपचार खूप कालावधीसाठी चालतो कारण ह्या रोगाचे जीवाणू खूप हळूहळू वाढतात व अौपधोपचाराने खूप हळूहळू मरतात.

ज्या झाडांवर ते नियमितपणे वास्तव्य करतात, ती झाडे बर्‍याचदा त्यांच्या मलमूत्रामुळे पांढरी होतात आणि आम्लतेमुळे मरतात.

उन्हाळ्यात जमिनीची खोलवर नांगरट केल्याने त्या मरतात.

ऑगस्ट महिन्यापासून पिकात कामगंध सापळे लावल्याने त्याद्वारे या आळीचे पतंग आकर्षित होऊन मरतात व त्याने अळीच्या उत्पादनास आळा बसतो.

प्रौढांपैकी मुख्य निराशेसह 2-8% प्रौढ व्यक्ती आत्महत्याकरून मरतात, आणि आत्महत्या करणारे सुमारे 50% लोक निराशा किंवा इतर मनस्थितीच्या विकारानेमरतात.

या रोगाने ग्रस्त जनावरे, काही रोगलक्षणे दिसण्यापूर्वीच, अचानक जमिनीवर पडतात व पाय झाडत-झाडत मरतात.

कळलावी वनस्पतीच्या पानांच्या रसाने उवा मरतात.

या दिव्याकडे आकर्षित होऊन किडे/पतंग त्या भांड्यात पडतात व मरतात.

kick off's Usage Examples:

However, the match was postponed two hours before kick off following reports of a concrete security threat and intention to ignite explosives.

An estimated 14,000 Masons, dignitaries, United States armed forces personnel, police, and others marched in a parade from the Alexandria waterfront to Shooter's Hill to kick off the event.

The overcrowding delayed the kick off and meant the pitch was often encroached upon during the game.

began on March 23, 2013, with a five-game slate, the first of which to kick off being between the Utah Blaze and the Pittsburgh Power, and ended on July.

Most codes of laws from this era provide for a similar kick off from the centre of the ground; these include the Cambridge rules of 1856, the Sheffield rules of 1858, and the rules for Harrow football of 1858.

He served as master of laws in his eldest brother's small council, before crowning himself king in the wake of Robert's death with the support of the Reach and the Stormlands, an act that helps kick off the War of Five Kings.

However, when the first-order association is only indirectly activated (through the associative chain), it appears that there is not sufficient stimulation to kick off cellular processes which would place it in a labile state, so it remains fixed.

Tech was assessed two unsportsmanlike conduct penalties for this, forcing them to kick off from the 7-and-a-half yard line.

In football, referees must now check all boots prior to kick off to check for damage to studs, to prevent injury.

MSNBC's timing of Imus' cancellation was criticized on WFAN, as Imus in the Morning had been scheduled to kick off the 18th Annual WFAN Radiothon, a large annual fundraising event, the next morning.

The oldest published laws of football (Rugby School, 1845) specify that the game is to be started with a kick off from the middle of the field of play, which must be a place-kick.

The group returned to the arena on November 1, 2017 to kick off their 2017 European tour.


start, commencement, place kick, beginning, place-kicking,


finish, unbalance, deactivation, ending, arrive,

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