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kersey Meaning in marathi ( kersey शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

केर्सी, जाड लोकरीचे कापड,



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kersey मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कारण चड्डी काढून पोहावे लागे.

सुंथा आहे की नाही दाखविण्यासाठी चड्डी काढणे, गोलेबेक स्नान घालताना सुंथा दिसू नये म्हणून सारखे फिरणे.

१९६४ साली संघाने आपला लाल शर्ट आणि पांढरी चड्डी हा पोशाख बदलून सर्व लाल केला,जो आजतागायत तसाच आहे.

यात माकडीणीस परकर पोलके व माकडास चड्डी व शर्ट घालण्यात येतो.

हा उंदीर लाल चड्डी, पिवळट रंगाचे मोठे बूट आणि पांढरे मोठे मोजे असे विशिष्ट कपडे घालतो.

निळ्या रंगाचा घटा पोशाख घातलेला सुपरमॅन लाल रंगाचे बूट, लाल चड्डी आणि लाल रंगाचे ओढणीसारखे वस्त्र घालून सतत उडत असतो.

३००,००० वर्षांपूर्वीचे पुरातत्व पुरावे, पुरातन चड्डी, पृथ्वीवरील ओव्हन, जळलेल्या प्राण्यांच्या हाडे आणि चकमक या स्वरूपात युरोप आणि मध्यपूर्वेमध्ये आढळतात.

प्रसिद्ध हाफ चड्डी चंदगडी.

kersey's Usage Examples:

bow-strings, pumice stone, seal skin razors, scissors, pistol, cap and cuttoe-knives, gingham holland, kerseys, German serges, red and embossed flannel.

In full production they were producing broadcloths, kersey, doeskins and other cloths every week, 5000 yards of cloth.

She was the wife of educationist and philanthropist Sir Vithaldas Thackersey.

It was a coarse close, similar to kersey, and used on beds, hangings, curtains and similar purposes.

Besides cricket, he was also associated with the Hindoostan Spinning " Weaving Mills (Thakersey Group).

(woollen-cloths, kerseymeres, shags, coatings, baizes, carpets, shalloons, tammies, corduroys, calimancoes, everlastings, moreens, crapes, bombasins, and damasks).

times in its history, the mill produced broadcloth, satinet, cashmere, doeskin, kersey and cloaking.

At various times in its history, the mill produced broadcloth, satinet, cashmere, doeskin, kersey and cloaking.

blankets that lay between the tympans were either fine kerseymere or superfine woolen cloth.

fine work during the mid-19th century, the blankets that lay between the tympans were either fine kerseymere or superfine woolen cloth.

(woollen-cloths, kerseymeres, shags, coatings, baizes, carpets, shalloons, tammies, corduroys, calimancoes, everlastings, moreens, crapes, bombasins, and.

es Website of the local council (Ayuntamiento de Agüimes)Patinegro Local environmental action group PatinegroMunicipalities in Gran Canaria Vijay Singh Madhavji Merchant , real name Vijay Madhav Thackersey (12 October 1911 – 27 October 1987) was an Indian cricketer.

Vithaldas, Lady Thackersey (1894–1977) was an Indian educationist and Gandhian.

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