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keep out Meaning in marathi ( keep out शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

बाहेर ठेवा, दूर राहा, लांब रहा, प्रवेश करू दिला नाही, प्रवेश करण्यासाठी नाही, लांब राहा, वेगळे ठेवा,

keep out मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अनैतिक वर्तणुकीपासून दूर राहा (जुगार, पब, वेश्यालय अशा स्थानांवर बंदी घातलेली आहे).

त्यांनी बालकलाकार म्हणून अभिनय क्षेत्राशी नाते जोडले, मात्र नंतर त्यांच्या आईने त्यांना अभ्यासासाठी या क्षेत्रापासून दूर राहायला सांगितले आणि नयन १९७० मध्ये पुण्यात शिक्षणासाठी आली.

स्वाईन फ्ल्यू रुग्णापासून किमान एक हात तरी दूर राहावे.

त्यांना तामसिक अन्न नाही (तामसिक अन्न म्हणून त्यांना ,कांदा लसुन, मांस, मदिरा इत्यादिपासून दूर राहा).

जर एखादा मगल मनुष्य तिथे गेला तर " धोका ! दूर राहा ! प्रवेश करू नका ! " असा संदेश लिहिलेली पाटी एका ओसाड , उध्वस्त इमारतीवर लावलेली दिसते .

नावावरून नाटकाचे कथानक काय असेल याची अजिबात कल्पना न येऊ देणारे हे नाटक एकमेकांपासून दूर राहाणार्‍या पती-पत्‍नींवर आहे.

या कॅमेर्‍यात प्रदूषण कमी होते त्यामुळे प्रतिमा धुळीपासून दूर राहातात.

अनैतिक वर्तणुकीपासून दूर राहा.

१९४० साली होमगार्डच्या युद्ध कार्यालयाचा प्रशिक्षक म्हणून त्याला घरापासून दूर राहावे लागले.

मात्र, त्यामुळे त्यांना अभिनयापासून काही काळ दूर राहावे लागले.

त्यांना तामसिक अन्न सोडून द्या (तामसिक अन्न म्हणून त्यांना ,कांदा लसुन, मांस, मदिरा इत्यापासून दूर राहा).

keep out's Usage Examples:

In response to critics who complained about the long wait, Porter said, Look here, this is my life and my work and you keep out of it.

zinc content of galvanized wire may be inappropriate for animals prone to gnawing and will not keep out predators.

The unexpected rediscovery of the 11 September up-tempo recording raises the questions of when the Orbison-inspired slow version was played for Martin and whether a tape of that version might also still exist in the Abbey Road vaults, inasmuch as Lewisohn's 1988 quote from Martin We didn't keep outtakes then [1962] was later contradicted.

They serve to keep outer garments from being soiled or damaged by bodily excretions, to lessen the friction of outerwear against the skin, to shape the body.

Convinced Serbian nationalism and Russian Balkan ambitions were disintegrating the Empire, Austria-Hungary hoped for a limited war against Serbia and that strong German support would force Russia to keep out of the war and weaken its Balkan prestige.

This chapter contains the charge to Timothy to keep out of heterodoxy, and use Paul"s steadfast faith under persecution as an example to contrast.

on the demarcation line", justified as a measure to keep out "spies, diversionists, terrorists and smugglers".

Often a Do Not Invite List is kept to keep out known persistent rule breakers.

Trying to keep out of sight, the boy gets lost in the uninhabited mountains, until after several hours he hears two shots in quick succession.

They serve to keep outer garments from being soiled or damaged by bodily excretions, to lessen the friction.

This undertaking has necessitated a fence - to keep out poachers rather than to restrict the movement of wildlife.

In order to control and effectively drain away water at the site, several deep cofferdams were constructed which, along with several steam-driven pumps, worked together to keep out the water.

By the second month out, the ship was being buffeted by strong westerly gales, causing the ship's timbers to be badly shaken with caulking failing to keep out sea water, and with passengers, even in their berths, lying wet and ill.


shut, prevent, shut out, excommunicate, exclude, curse, lock out, keep, ostracize, ostracise, unchurch,


admit, communicate, let, permit, allow,

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