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join Meaning in marathi ( join शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

सामील व्हा, एकत्र ठेवले, संलग्न करणे,




जोडणे, संलग्न करणे, भागीदार व्हा, जोडण्यासाठी, एकत्र ठेवले, एकत्र, एकत्र येणे, संलग्न, लागा, जोडले, सदस्य बनू,

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join मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

सोसायटीच्या ध्येय व उदिष्टांची पुढील वाटचालीतील सुरक्षितेचा दृष्टिकोण बाळगुण सोसायटी, सोसायटी द्वारा चालवीत असलेल्या किंवा सोसायटीशी संबंधीत असलेल्या कोणत्याही संस्थेद्वारे अथवा सोसायटी द्वारा इतर कोणत्याही संस्था अथवा संस्थाशी सहकार्य करणे, संयुक्त करणे किंवा संलग्न करणे.

मोह म्हणजे अज्ञानामुळे एखाद्या क्षणभंगुर गोष्टीशी मन संलग्न करणे, गुंतविणे.

मोह म्हणजे अज्ञानामुळे एखाद्या क्षणभंगुर गोष्टीशी मन संलग्न करणे, गुंतविणे.

जागतिकीकरण म्हणजे स्थानिक स्तरावरील बाजारपेठेला मुक्त जागतिक प्रवासी संलग्न करणे आयात-निर्यातीवरील निर्बंध दूर करून मुक्त व्यापाराला मुभा देणे.

join's Usage Examples:

They were fun affairs, and the proselyting missionaries joined in as well.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe became his patron, and at age 13 Boteach joined the Chabad movement (also known as Lubavitch, a Hasidic philosophy that traces back 250 years to Lubavitch, Russia).

In 1896, he wrote the poem My Feelings (《有感》):世间无物抵春愁,合向苍冥一哭休。四万万人齐下泪,天涯何处是神州?Nothing in this world can withstand the longing for Spring, These longings join together until they reach the shadowy netherworld in tears.

He survives the fall and Haddock and Zorrino join him on the other side of the waterfall, in a cavern.

Alan Cook joined WENS in September 1987.

It is characterized by a wide humerus (upper arm bone) expanded at the shoulder joint, where there was a unique circular depression.

K2 climbIn June 1995, Hargreaves joined an American team with a permit to climb K2.

On 7 April, Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced that the Front for Change party would join them on the single-party list.

Like many young footballers born to Turkish immigrant parents in Germany, he tried his chances by joining a Turkish team.

Course Originating in Blaengarw, it passes through the villages of Pontycymer, Pantygog, Lluest/Braichycymer, Tylagwyn, Llangeinor, Abergarw and finally the village of Brynmenyn, where it joins the River Ogmore.

But after Emperor Meiji moved the capital to Tokyo (the former Edo), he and her uncle persuaded Seikanin to join them there.

In September 2010, the station returned to a Rhythmic Top 40 direction, as WKTU was added to the Mediabase Rhythmic panel joining rival WQHT.

At the time of his departure from Legacy, he introduced Chuck Billy to Legacy members and joined Exodus.


organize, unite, organise, get together, affiliate, unionize, fall in, sign up, league together, band oneself, rejoin, unify, unionise, penetrate, infiltrate,


uncouple, juvenile, unbalance, differ, divide,

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