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jettied Meaning in marathi ( jettied शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



नियुक्त केले, लक्ष केंद्रित केले, धरून, सबमिशन, अपरिवर्तित, केले, ठेवले, ते बरोबर आहे, कायम, विशिष्ट, स्थापना केली, निश्चित,

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jettied मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जी वर्किंग ग्रुपने कोणत्याही व्यावसायिक सबमिशनचा विकास न करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला, परंतु एक नवीन मार्कअप भाषा तयार करण्याचा निर्णय घेतला जो त्याद्वारे माहिती देण्यात आला परंतु त्यापैकी खरोखरच आधारित नाही.

"नॅशनल वॉर मेमोरियलसाठी ग्लोबल डिझाइन कॉम्पिटीशन" साठी एकूण ४२७ सबमिशन प्राप्त झाले असून "भारतीय राष्ट्रीय युद्ध संग्रहालयासाठी जागतिक वास्तुशिल्प स्पर्धा" साठी एकूण २६८ सबमिशन प्राप्त झाले आहेत.

jettied's Usage Examples:

the building is externally expressed as two storeys, each of which is jettied.

knee-breeches and silver buckles, dwelt with his spinster sister in an impracticably low-jettied house, one step below the narrow sidewalk, and, as old-fashioned.

The upper floor is jettied but hidden behind a brick wall, and the gable is also jettied but is behind boarding.

Bristol"s most ancient buildings, including the last two remaining houses jettied over the pavement and over sixty listed buildings.

It is timber framed with a slightly jettied first floor, although the timber-framing is.

The third bay projects forward, has a jettied tile-hung gable, and contains an oriel window.

mantel beam), or set forward from the lower part of a building to support a jettied wall, a jetty bressummer".

storey of the main part of the house is timber framed and jettied with pargeting in the panels; the gable end contains a four-light window and above this.

stories on both ends typically extended beyond the lower outer wall being jettied on at least one side of the building.

jettied and has a decorative bressumer, plaster panels, some of which are pargeted, and above which is a continuous 14-light mullioned and transomed window.

oldest extant jettied timber framed building in Great Britain, dated by dendrochronology of structural timbers to between 1277 and 1297.

It is considered to be the oldest extant jettied timber framed building in Great Britain, dated by dendrochronology of structural.

the house is three storeys high of a timber-frame construction, with jettied first and second floors.

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