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invigilate Meaning in marathi ( invigilate शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

निरीक्षण करणे, लक्ष ठेवा,


लक्ष ठेवा,

invigilate मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

प्रत्येक आज्ञापत्र खलिता जाण्यापूर्वी त्यावर पंत सचिवांना लक्ष ठेवावे लागत असे.

खेळायला मिळेनासे झाले , जेवताना सुद्धा गायीन्कडेच लक्ष ठेवायला लागायचे , ते सगळे एकमेकान बरोबर हि राहू शकत नव्हते.

तसेच जमीन महसुलाच्या व्यवहारावरही लक्ष ठेवावे लागत असे.

च्या ॲंटेनाकाडे लक्ष ठेवा.

या वेळी श्वास पूर्णपणे बाहेर सोडलेला असावा व हॅट असावेत या वेळी नितंब टांचाना टेकलेले राहील यावर लक्ष ठेवावे.

डेंगू मध्ये विशेष लक्ष ठेवावे लागते.

सुरुवातीपासून मतदारसंघावर लक्ष ठेवावं असं प्रमोद महाजनांचं म्हणणं होतं.

या सगळ्यावर लक्ष ठेवायच बसच्या ड्रायव्हरने.

सुरुवातीपासून मतदारसंघावर लक्ष ठेवावे असे प्रमोद महाजनांचे म्हणणे होते.

invigilate's Usage Examples:

Dr Eleanor Gillespie (Doreen Mantle) arrives at the school to invigilate the examination.

until his death in 1972, he worked as a driver, while constantly being invigilated and repressed by Służba Bezpieczeństwa (SB) (Security Service).

The examinable component is usually an invigilated three-hour paper regardless of the size of the module (although on some.

It is designed for organisations that wish to run and invigilate the test at their own site, according to their own timescales.

the 2018 local elections) but fines will be levied upon those chosen to invigilate at the polling stations.

Exams are invigilated and moderated by SCSA.

participation in sports teams are also recognised as academic courses and are invigilated by the Centre for Language Studies and Human Development.

visuality, voilà, voyeur vigil- watchful Latin vigil, also vigilare invigilate, reveille, surveillance, vigil, vigilance, vigilant, vigilante vil- cheap.

could find themselves unable to graduate if crucial exams cannot be invigilated, marked or assessed" as a worst-case scenario.

It has been proposed that existing assignment and invigilated assessment data can be systematically analyzed in order to detect patterns.

"Transforming Exams - A scalable examination platform for BYOD invigilated assessment".

Szászfenes (today Florești, Romania) was built between 1282 and 1300 to invigilate the local Saxon communities and the rival Kolozsmonostor Abbey.

subsequently performed in It"s Your Film on tour and both drove and invigilated The Black Maze on tour.


follow, observe, keep an eye on, watch over, watch, proctor,


precede, stay in place, break, disrespect, reject,

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