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intransitive verb Meaning in marathi ( intransitive verb शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

अकर्मक क्रियापद,


अकर्मक क्रियापद,

intransitive verb मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अकर्मक क्रियापद : उदा० ‘आऊ यल्‍ली’ ; ‘मिय्या गेल्‍लो’ (पश्‍चिम विभाग); ‘आऊ यताय’ ‘ मिय्या जाऊलाव’ (पूर्व विभाग).

म्हणजे क्रिया कर्त्यापासून सुरू होते व कर्त्यापाशीच थांबते त्यांना ‘अकर्मक क्रियापदे’ असे म्हणतात.

म्हणजे उत्तर वेगवेगळे तर सकर्मक व जर उत्तर एकच मिळत असेल तर ते अकर्मक क्रियापद).

अकर्मक क्रियापद म्हणजे जी क्रियापदे वापरलेल्या वाक्यांचा अर्थ पूर्ण होण्यासाठी कर्माची गरज नसते, अशी क्रियापदे.

(टीप : जेव्हा क्रिया कोणावर होते व क्रिया करणारा/करणारी कोण असे प्रश्न विचारले असता दोन्ही प्रश्नांचे उत्तर हे एकच सारखीच मिळतात त्याला ‘अकर्मक क्रियापद’ असे म्हणतात.

intransitive verb's Usage Examples:

morphosyntactic alignment in which the main argument ("subject") of an intransitive verb, the agent argument ("subject") of a transitive verb, and the patient.

The verb "disappear" (and its cognates in other languages) is normally an intransitive verb: "something (or someone) disappears".

For example, the intransitive verb stem daqal- "become bad" with the marker -sis becomes daqalsis-, is transitive and has the causative.

transitive verb and an intransitive verb.

It gives a verb the sense of "to cause to do", and can also make an intransitive verb transitive: okulaba "to see".

followed by a vowel, and the intransitive verb prefix N- are considered toneless.

third person or impersonally in a passive sense, with pronouns in the objective case prefixed, also look like unconjugated intransitive verbs.

ReferencesCrestaRear-wheel-drive vehiclesSedansStation wagons1960s cars1970s carsCars introduced in 1954Vauxhall Velox In modern linguistics, an unaccusative verb is an intransitive verb whose grammatical subject is not a semantic agent.

intransitive verb takes nominative case while the subject of a transitive verb takes ergative case (the object of this verb takes nominative case).

intransitive verbs that cannot take a direct object (such as fall or sit in English) and transitive verbs that take one direct object (such as throw, injure, kiss.

an intransitive verb by adding a direct object, while circumstantials cannot.

The impersonal passive deletes the subject of an intransitive verb.

transitive (or intransitive) verb with no causative argument/sense pak- : "exude X" (body fluids, other natural fluids/substances); intransitive verb prefix.


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