interchanged Meaning in marathi ( interchanged शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
अदलाबदल, देवाणघेवाण, शफल,
स्वॅप, देवाणघेवाण,
देवाणघेवाण, शफल,
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interchanged मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
तेथे शफलबोर्ड हा खेळ खेळला जायचा व वयात न आलेल्या व्यक्तींनाही येण्याजाण्यास मुभा असल्या कारणाने गावातील इतर लोकांचा तिच्यावर राग होता.
या वनस्पतीला संस्कृतमध्ये रोमशफल या नावाने ओळखतात .
interchanged's Usage Examples:
Traffic was interchanged with Ferromex at Presidio over the Presidio–Ojinaga International Rail.
They interchanged plants for the stewpot with the Chitarero on the east and the Muisca to the south of their territories.
fitted into the frame section, and different slugs and frames could be interchanged with each other.
Almost all parts, including screws cannot be interchanged with the Japanese Type 38.
A geomagnetic reversal is a change in a planet"s magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south are interchanged (not to be.
When the Clifton Hill - Northcote line opened in 1890, it interchanged with the Clifton Hill line at its southern terminus.
video tapes recorded on one make and/or model of VTR could only be interchanged with other machines using that specific format, hampering compatibility.
It was a major freight route for the New Haven to Queens, where it interchanged with the Long Island Rail Road and the Pennsylvania Railroad.
bevel and chamfer overlap in usage; in general usage they are often interchanged, while in technical usage they may sometimes be differentiated as shown.
In 1905 the names of the theatres were interchanged: the Hippodrome became the Grand Junction, and the variety performances.
This Neos carbine configuration appears quite similar to the Buck Mark Sporter Rifle, but Browning Buck Mark pistols and rifles are purpose-built and major components cannot be interchanged.
Freight service had been introduced in 1900 using a small four-wheel locomotive, with traffic being interchanged with the Grand Trunk Railway.
Like the twist of a planar chiral pattern appears reversed for opposite directions of observation, planar chiral metamaterials have interchanged properties for left-handed and right-handed circularly polarized waves that are incident on their front and back.
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wet, focus, detransitivize, dissimilate, tune,