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instructive Meaning in marathi ( instructive शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

उपदेशात्मक, शैक्षणिक,


जाणकार, उपदेशात्मक, शैक्षणिक,

instructive मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

ख्रिश्चन संत सेंट फ्रांसिस झेवियरने येथे आपल्या भारतातील पहिल्या काही उपदेशात्मक प्रवचनांपैकी (सर्मन) एक येथे दिल्याचे समजले जाते.

्या, नऊ महाकाव्ये, तीन उपदेशात्मक कविता आणि कित्येक शंभर विनोद ( १00०० जुआन पेरेझ दे मॉन्टलबॉन यांच्यानुसार) असे म्हटले आहे.

instructive's Usage Examples:

instructive to compare divergent evolution with both convergent and parallel evolution.

religious miscellanies, apocrypha and hagiographies, most often heroic and instructive.

A simple example of this type of solution with three players is instructive.

Experiencing things from Isabel"s eyes - her fate similar to but instructively more severe than being adopted - she is able to see her own situation.

It may be instructive to consider what curves of constant Schwarzschild coordinate would look like when plotted on a Kruskal-Szekeres diagram.

partly in order to solve some questions relating to the psychology of jugglery – a most instructive and much neglected – and partly, also, out of regard.

the Causal "End" is as pure as its corresponding "Beginning", which instructively places God at both the beginning and the end of the creative act.

"Notch1 and Notch3 instructively restrict bFGF-responsive multipotent neural progenitor cells to an astroglial.

(It is instructive to note that the gates alternative did not include auxiliary pump stations like those installed after Hurricane Katrina.

discussed first, each verse is scanned, and each word thoroughly and instructively examined.

It is instructive to compare the two versions of the latter painting to see how provocative.

Quicherat criticized the text as "uninstructive hodgepodge", and, according to him, "made it considerably shorter, taking.

Students who follow us, when these cliff-houses have all disappeared and their instructive objects scattered by greed of traders, will wonder at our indifference and designate our negligence by its proper name.


educative, ostensive, educational, preachy, explanatory, clarifying, expository, interpretive, expositive, interpretative, demonstrative, illustrative, doctrinaire, informatory, informative, didactic, elucidative, didactical,


undemonstrative, nonpartisan, unenlightening, uninformative, uninstructive,

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