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institutionalise Meaning in marathi ( institutionalise शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

संस्थात्मक करणे



institutionalise's Usage Examples:

other subsequent initiatives, claiming it further entrenches and institutionalises sectarianism and doesn"t work towards solving the fundamental causes.

a lifelong liberal who poked fun at institutionalised self-satisfied smugness – an attitude which did not endear him to the essentially hierarchical.

It has been used to eulogise victims of hate crimes while protesting the social inequality and institutionalised.

where due to colonial influence, its usage has been systematically institutionalised into various non-Muslim communities.

ActivityToday Alternative Libertaire is developing its political action on two fronts:The building of an alliance of social movements, to give political weight to the politics of the people against the institutionalised left.

The "great" Fifth Dalai Lama was "the first to institutionalise the State Oracle of Nächung.

Charter has been criticized by human rights groups who argue that it institutionalises impunity and impedes any legal action against the security services.

Kufuor institutionalised the capitation grant for school children at the basic level, whereby each student was entitled.

Since in Hungary religions are encouraged to institutionalise into church (egyház) bodies in order to be recognised by the government.

His novels and short stories encompass the emotional issues related to mass culture, sexual politics, fate of the marginalised and institutionalised religions.

the language of courts (the so-called "legalese") expresses and institutionalises the domination of the individual, whether accused or accuser, criminal.

General/Standard Indian English that educators have attempted to establish and institutionalise, and it is possible to distinguish a person"s sociolinguistic background.

The mission of Bureau of Energy Efficiency is to "institutionalise" energy efficiency services, enable delivery mechanisms in the country.


send, commit, charge, hospitalize, institutionalize, transfer, hospitalise,


take, import, export, download, upload,

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