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insincerities Meaning in marathi ( insincerities शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


गुणवत्ता उघड किंवा सत्य नसणे, कपटी किंवा दांभिक,


शंका, दांभिकपणा, असामान्यता, फसवणूक, कुटिलपणा, कप,

insincerities's Usage Examples:

written, the book is "a brilliant, and often comic, record of the small diplomacies of home: those indirections, omissions, insincerities, and secrecies.

yet never critical of the ignorant and tolerant always of the little insincerities of political life.

brilliant, and often comic, record of the small diplomacies of home: those indirections, omissions, insincerities, and secrecies that underlie family relationships.

diplomacies of home: those indirections, omissions, insincerities, and secrecies that underlie family relationships.

Cordelia, the youngest daughter, disgusted with her sisters" sordid insincerities, replies that she loves him as far as duty commands.

mouth (the outside, soto), which is seen as being more susceptible to insincerities.

Jackson, "I don"t want to pass because I can"t stand insincerities and shams.

letter (Finished with the War: A Soldier’s Declaration) dated July 1917, inveighing "against the political errors and insincerities for which the fighting.

Declaration) dated July 1917, inveighing "against the political errors and insincerities for which the fighting men are being sacrificed".

record of the small diplomacies of home: those indirections, omissions, insincerities, and secrecies that underlie family relationships.


hollowness, hypocrisy, falseness, untruthfulness,


sincerity, truthfulness, fullness, solidity, fidelity,

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