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inscribable Meaning in marathi ( inscribable शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



चाचणी करणे अशक्य आहे, दुजर्ण्या, अवर्णनीय, शोधणे अशक्य,

inscribable मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

जेनेआने फ़ाऊलेर, या धर्म अभ्यास आणि तत्त्वज्ञानाच्या प्राध्यापकांनी जातीचा उदय कसा झाला हे शोधणे अशक्य आहे असे प्रतिपादन केले आहे.

inscribable's Usage Examples:

relation may be verbally expressed as follows: If a quadrilateral is inscribable in a circle then the product of the lengths of its diagonals is equal.

angles, resolving a long-standing open question of Jakob Steiner on the inscribable combinatorial types.

quadrilaterals are inscriptable quadrilateral, inscriptible quadrilateral, inscribable quadrilateral, circumcyclic quadrilateral, and co-cyclic quadrilateral.

According to their characterization, a simple polyhedron is ideal or inscribable if and only if one of two conditions is met: either the graph of the.

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